Buy me diamonds

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    I run my hands along my elegant dress that I have picked out for this evening. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, pearls across my neck in an elegant manner. I still stare blankly at the beautiful dress that hugs my curves. Tonight is the night he is gonna purpose. I know it for sure.

  I heard him talking on the phone a couple of nights ago, and I think he was talking to my father!
He sounded more sincere than ever as I eased drooped on him.

    I hear a buzzing noise, in the room, I snap my head towards the ringing and vibrating. I walk over to the desk and it's my boyfriends phone! I still hear the water running just like before, it's still going. I look at the number, it's an unknown caller? "What the-" I slide the answer button. "Hello?" I answer the phone.

    My heart in beating quickly, I know he hates it when I touch his phone, when I really don't know why he is so protective over this stupid piece of metal.

    "Hey babe, are we still on for tonight?" I hear the other voice at the end of the phone. What? Did I just hear this correctly? "I'm sorry you must have the wrong number." I answer, the women at the end of the phone line.

   "This is Chris's phone... right?" I can hear the confusion in her voice. Oh my god, he has cheated on me again! Wait, Sarah calm down you are jumping to conclusions, she could be one of his co-workers...

   "Hello? This anyone there? Chris, this is Stef." I hear Stefs voice again through the phone, does my voice really sound like Chris's? Why is she still on the phone? She's probably just that desperate.

     I start pacing around the room, "Yeah, we are still on for tonight." I answer her, and I can almost hear her smile through the phone. "Okay baby, see you there." She sounded younger than me... I don't know if it was her flirting tone of voice, or the fact I can't wrap my head around this situation.

    Chris has cheated on me before, but I gave him a second chance... it hurts to know that he has done this again. After hanging up, I look at his text message's... they make me sick to my stomach. He also asked her out, to the fancy restaurant we were planning on going to! My eyes become watery, but I hold it in as I here the water turn off.

     I start to panic, but my body won't move. My eyes sting with tears and I can practically feel my makeup smearing away with each salty tear. My mom was right, I should have just move on with my life the first time he played this "game" on my heart.

     He kept listening to him, I trusted him when he said "I've changed." I needed him and he needed me, I just wish I could have trusted him...

    The door nob to the bathroom door turns slowly, it's too late, I can't stop the tears from falling from my eyes.
I stare at the door as it slowly cracks open. I push my self off of the ground and run out of the bedroom door. I keep running down the halway but almost trip on my dress.

    I stop in my place and rip the bottom of my dress off, thank god for cheap fabric, "Babe? Are you okay?" I hear his voice eco from behind me. I slowly turn around and stare him dead in the eye. My torn bottom of my dress still crumpled up in my hand. I feel my nails dig into my palm from squeezing the fabric.

     He furrows his eyebrows and his eyes glare down at my dress and then my hand. "Why did you rip your dress?" He asks and his voice ecos in my head making me want to slam my head into the wall trying to make it stop...

    Trying to make what stop?

  The pain, the anger, the hurt...

     His eyes are almost empty of emotion, and I still stand there staring at him. I slowly walk up to him, so close that our chest touch. "You son of a bitch." The words flow lightly out of my mouth. I push my arms out as fast and hard as I can, and watch him stumble.

    As he is stumbling, I am able to kick his knee bringing him to the ground. He just stares blankly at me, he knows what is happening and I know he is trying to think another way out of it.

   His hands reach out and grab my hands, the cloth still in my hand as his hand just lightly cups mine. My eyes glance down at our hands and slowly travel back up to his dark eyes.

     No more mind games, Chris...

My brain speaks, but my mouth doesn't articulate the words. "I love you, not her. She was just supposed to help me-" He speaks, but I am quick to cut him off. "With what? The love I couldn't provide for you?" I sink my face lower to his, my eyes stabbing daggers into his.

    "Your words won't change my mind this time." The words slur into the air, out of my mouth. I yank my hands quickly out of his and bring my foot to his chest and kick him fully onto the ground. I glare at him just laying there, I kneel onto the ground. I yank his shirt collar up, and pull his face up to mine, our noses touching.

   "Have fun," I let him go quickly and  wrap the piece of cloth I had in my hands from my dress around his neck. I slide behind him to be able to have more, access to his neck and making it easier for me to pull the cloth. He brings his hands up to the cloth, at the moment I am only slightly tugging.

   "Please don't do this, I love you." He croaks and then I pull tighter, yanking him back, so I can whisper my last too words to him.

   "In hell." I finally finish my sentence and pull the red cloth as hard as I can. I hear him struggle for air until his wind pipe can no longer bare the stress of the now slowly ripping cloth. He gasps one last time before... well you know...

   He dies.

After I am positive he is dead, I let go and get up, looking down upon his lifeless body. There is now a redish-purple bruise going across his neck. I smirk to myself, and walk into my bedroom.

   I see a small ring box on the bed side table near the lamp and his rolex stand. My hand clasps around the small box and I slowly open it, revealing a nice sized diamond.

   My smirk grows bigger and I put the diamond on my ring finger.
I pick up his phone and dial 911, after that I don't even brother to put the phone to my ear I let it drop onto the bed and walk away.

   I make a line for my garage and open the door to the Mustang waiting there for me. I slide into the passenger seat of the fancy car, "Did you get the job done?" I hear the, o' so recognizable voice.

"Yes, Stef, I got the job done."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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