Chapter 28- Dinner

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* They played and played *

*Eventually, night was making its appearance in the sky.*

Poland: Niemcy what should we do about dinner?

Reictangle: Don't worry Polen. We vill cook something after Ich'll make a fire place.

Poland: Ok

Reichtangle: Now everybody, can you help me vith ze fire place?

Poland: I will Niemcy.

Reichtangle: Danke Polen! Here's wat you need to get. *tells him what he needs to get*

Poland: * Goes and gets the stuff Reichtangle needs *

Reichtangle: You are a gut partener Polen. Ich'll do ze rest. *makes the fire place.*

Poland: Ok Niemcy.

Reichtangle: Now it's time to make ze dinner. Do you want to cook it vith me Polen?

Poland: sure I will Niemcy.

Prussia: * wants to cook too *

Prussia: Wat are you cooking sohn? Kan Ich help you?

Reichtangle: Sure Vater and I am going to make Rouladen

Reichtangle: Polen, please pick ze ingredients. Ich vith mein vater will do a contest on who can cook ze best.

Poland: Ok Niemcy, sounds like fun * Goes and gets the ingredients *

Poland: Got them Niemcy!

Reichtangle: Gut Polen. Now vater are you ready?

Prussia: I am and bring it on my boy

*The contest begins. Everybody watches the two do their magic.*

Prussia: Ohohohoho I am going to beat him

Reichtangle: Not if Ich will beat you first!

*They both finish.*

Reichtangle: Now Polen, you will be ze judge. Try out both of our foods. Whose food tastes better wins.

* Poland tries Reictangle's food *

Poland: Mmmmmm tastes juicy and good

Reichtangle: Danke Polen. It's nice zat you enjoy my food.

*Poland tries out Prussia's food. Unfortunately it is too spicy.*

Poland: Ow ow ow ow ow my tongue!

Prussia:*Gets a little dissapointed and stressed.*

Togo: Do you want some water Poland?

Poland: Yes please my mouth is on fire

Togo:*gives Poland a bottle of water*

Poland: Thank you * Drinks *

Togo: I'm glad I could help.

Poland:*finishes drinking*

Reichtangle: Feel better Polen?

Poland: Yes Niemcy. My tongue is still burnings a little though.

Reichtangle: Mein Vater likes Spicy foods

Poland: I don't likings spicy food but I'll makings Prussia the winner. He needs improvement but he needings courage.

Prussia: Improvement?

Poland: Tak. Reducings your spice and it would be perfect.

Prussia: Ok sure not a problem Polen

Prussia:*reduces the spice level thinking to himself: Bloody bastard! ICH DON'T NEED CRITISIZM... He is just weak for not loving mein spices. Ich've had enough time vith him... Tonight I vill execute mein plan...*
*in reality* How does it taste?

Reichtangle: Vater are you ready for my dinner?

Prussia: Ja sohn. let's see vat you prepared.

* Reichtangle gives out a plate and a scoop of Rouladen to everyone *

Poland: I know that I into tastings it before, but this is delicious Niemcy!

Togo: I agree with Poland.

Reichtangle: Awwwww Danke Polen Danke

Prussia: *thinking to himself: Ah... Ven vill he stop fooling mein sohn vith compliments?*

*Everybody starts to eat.*

* Poland enjoys the food *

* The Prussias enjoy theres *

*everybody enjoys his meal.*

*After 30 minutes everybody finishes eating. The real night rises in the sky.*

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