Chapter 31- Alling with the good

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* Togo and Brazil leave the forest.*

*Togo and Brazil come back in the shelter. They can see Poland and Uruguay playing together.*

Togo: Everybody grab your stuff, we're leaving.

Uruguay: Ok

* They pack up and they left the shelter *

Brazil: Where should we head to? Le city or le forest?

Poland: The forest so we can meet up with USA

Brazilid: Did you find him before?

Poland: Yes I have

Togo: Where?

* Poland tells them where *

Togo: Thank you for the information Poland. Now let's walk forward!

Poland: Ok

*All the countries march towards Germany's house.Their adventure took three hours to get to the house. When they arrived they discover no one was home.*

Poland: Hello any one * Knocks on the door *

*No one responds.*

*Poland finds out that the main door is opened and enters the house with the others.*

Poland: Hmmmm

* They hear someone sleeping *

Togo: I wonder who is in there. Let's take a look.

* They open the door and they see Sealand sleeping *

*Hearing their noises, Sealand wakes up and scares himself when seeing Poland and the others.*

Poland: Sealand calm down it's me Poland

Sealand:*calms down*

Togo: Now tell us little boy, where are all the others?

Sealand: They went out shopping

Togo: Is it the acronym of hunting?

Poland: *whispers to Togo* He doesn't know what acronym of meanings...

Sealand: Um.....

* They came back *

USA: *behind the door* We are back. Open the door...*forgets his name*

Germany: Sealand idiotten...

USA: Sealand!

Sealand: Hi

Poland: hello

USA: Oh you're back! And you brought friends with you.

Poland: I am and these are my new friends.

Togo: Hello

Brazil: Hi

Uruguay: Hello

USA: Nice to meet you all, but how did you escape from him?

Poland: It's a long story but I will tell * Tells him the experience with Reichtangle and how they left *

Germany: So, ze demons took mein grandvater back into ze dream vorld?

Poland: Yes Niemcy, that's right.

Italy: What-a matters is-a that you are-a back. The crew will-a surely help-a us.

Poland: They will and I did not get hurt

USA: Well, we are all happy about that, but everyone follow me. We must integrate the new people.

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