Chapter 18- Escape routes

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Italy: * Worries about Poland *

Germany:* tries to break the cage but doesn't succeed* GOT VERDAMT!

USA: Cut it out work machine. You tried this method at least ten times.

Greece: He's right...


Greece: * Prays for Athena so that she can help them *


Germany: *gets crazier *

* Athena offers them a bar cutter tool *

USA: Ah finally.....

Greece: Thank you Athena!

*USA cuts the bars in his cell room*

Germany: * Whispers * Remember to stay quiet everyone and also no noises.

*Everyone moves slowly through the prison.*

Sealand: * Tips toes *

*The guards hear that noise and start coming towards them.*

Sealand: !

USA: Run!

* They run away *

*Some other 20 guards pop up in front and in the back of the group surrounding them.*

Germany: * Throws Chlorine gas at them *

*everybody covers their nostrils*

Guards: *start to vanish*

Germany: * Wheezes * Lets get out of here and save Polen!


Germany: Oh, Got verdamt! Ich am walking for hours und still Ich didn't find anything!

Sealand: Where can Poland be?

Germany: Ich don't know. Ich hope we can save him und kill ze stupid jew....

Sealand:I hope he's okay.... He look scared when that monster took him.

*Meanwhile with Poland and Reichtangle...*

*playing chess toghether*

Poland: He he! I am going to winnings Niemcy!

Reichtangle: Ohohoho I don't think so Polen!

Poland: *does a very critical move* Sah mat! I won!

Reichtangle: Polen... You moved ze wrong piece, so Ich won!

Poland: *feeling* I am an idiot!

Reichtangle: This means I win Polen.

* They hear a loud bang *

Poland: *feeling scared*

Reichtangle:Vat ze-?! Guards, check und tell mich where zis came from! Ich'll take Polen somewhere safe!

Guards: Yes sir!

* Reichtangle takes Poland somewhere safe *

Reichtangle: Now you shall stay here Polen. Ich don't vant anybody to take you away from mich.

Poland: Ok......Niemcy...

Reichtangle: Be careful Polen.... Now guards, from vat did com ze bang?

Guard: Over there! * Sees the Chlorine fog *

Reichtangle: *puts on gas mask* Oh nein! Put on your gas mask Polen!

Poland: * Puts his mask on *

Reichtangle: Stay here Polen.... Guards, Protect him! Other guards, come with mich to kick some ass!

Guards: YEAH!

*Reichtangle moves in the gas fog and gets his gun ready.*

Reichtangle:*is almost hit by a baseball bat.*

USA: Got you now Kraut!

Reichtangle:*dodges his attacks and hits USA very hard*


Reichtangle: Plead to mich Amerika!

*In the fog, someone shoots Reichtangle through.*

Reichtangle: OW!

Poland: Niemcy! *starts crying*

Reichtangle: Guards attack!

Greece: Hahahahha got you now you monster! Feel the wrath of Poseidon! * Calls for Poseidon *

*Poseidon floods the hole place. The guards get Poland in a safe place through a secret tunnel.*

Reichtangle: Where did all that water come from!?

Greece: Feel my gods!

Reichtangle: Never!

Greece: Not you! Your guards! *Poseidon drowns the guards*


Greece: Haha your out numbered!

Reichtangle: Do Ich look like Ich care? Ich'll conquer you all und bring more guards.

Greece: Then I have no choice * Calls for Ares *

Reichtangle:*gets all his shield ready*

*Ares makes meteors to fall inside the palace*

Reichtangle: Huh, got anything beside zis? You are never going to defeat mich!

Greece: Oh I will!

Reichtangle: Show it to mich zen!

Greece: * Calls for Artemis *

*Artemis unleashes a ghost to fight with the Reich which wounds him very hard.*

Reichtangle:Ich will.... never.... die.... *Throws a fog bomb and the hole room gets veryfoggy. Reichtangle gets into the secret tunnel in which Poland entered with theguards very fast.*    

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