Fire storm

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Bombs and missiles hailed down disproportionately to the small compound, igniting explosions and erupting flames wherever they touched. Anything that wasn't under cover was all but obliterated in the first wave. Switchblade and Nightedge advanced into the fray as their airborne compatriots banked around.
Transforming mid-flight, Incinerator landed heavily upon his feet, crushing an armoured car as he went. He roared and smashed his way through a building, igniting his flamethrower and setting it and his immediate surroundings alight. The Autobot who sounded the alarm leapt at him, keen to take down the commander before he dealt too much damage. He managed to scurry up the jet and punch him in the faceplate before he was pulled off by the leg. Incinerator grabbed his attackers other leg and pulled, tearing the Autobot's limb off. Dropping them to the ground, the commander placed his clawed foot onto him and aimed his cannon, firing once. The head and part of the top of the body disintegrated and fell into the small crater formed beneath them. Incinerator took a step forward, chuckling and crushing the Autobot remains.
"Hunt them down! Capture any survivors." He ordered as Dreadwing landed alongside him. Blackout and Grindor kept to the skies to watch for anyone escaping.


"Hurry!" Jumplead called to the Autobots who remain, the ground bridge firing up as explosions rang out. They'd made it there as the alarm had sounded, the small compound aiding them. With the portal running at full power, Jetstream ran in first, followed by Ripside and Wildstrike. Roadrip was about to join them when a huge blast knocked him off his pedes, and a hole was torn into the warehouse. Incinerator walked in through the new opening and saw the ground bridge shutting down, Jumplead at its helm. His optics narrowed as the other Autobots scrambled to escape.
"Grindor!" He bellowed at the rotorcraft, who quickly chased down the escapees. He opened fire and destroyed one, leaving the remaining three to scatter.
Jumplead pulled out an electrified baton and pistol, narrowing her eyes at the towering commander.
"Don't you have anything better to do with your time here?" She said sarcastically. Incinerator allowed his face mask to retract, showing his jagged smile. "As a matter of fact, I do not. Whether you tell me where your comrades went determines how quickly you die." He unsheathed a wrist blade and walked menacingly towards her. She was unperturbed and ran at him, shooting relentlessly at the bigger robot's legs. Incinerator swung his blade but the more agile Jumplead dashed between his legs, tracing her baton across his ankles. Growling in more irritation than pain, Incinerator tried to follow her through. But she was gone, escaped through the hole. He roared and made to chase after her.
"Infiltrators! There is an Autobot medicus who knows where the others went. I want her alive. Do you understand?" He ordered Switchblade and Nightedge. The two Decepticons split up and began their chase.
One of the Autobots, an Aerialbot, was engaged in a fierce sword fight with Dreadwing. As for the other two, they were nowhere to be found.

Roadrip panted softly as he hid behind the ruins of a building. He'd managed to lose one of the infiltrators which had spotted him as he made a break from the control room. All he had to do now was make it to the forest - and safety. He hoped that the others could get away too.
Suddenly his position was flooded with light. Blackout hovered overhead and unleashed a flurry of missiles, which Roadrip barely managed to avoid. The wall he used as cover was obliterated as he rolled to the side, transforming into an off-road buggy and bouncing away from the explosions. No sooner was he in the clear than a black car shot out of the darkness and slammed into his side, a series of plasma spikes jamming into him, causing him to cry out and transform. Nightedge transformed too, readying his blades as Roadrip stood up, leaking Energon profusely from wounds across his arm and side. Nightedge gave a nasty grin and advanced on Roadrip.

Avoiding the blinding glare of the Cybertronian rotor craft's searchlights, Jumplead tried to get closer to the only other Autobot she could find. Windtunnel was gaining the upper hand on her adversary, and Jumplead intended to get in there and help. At least, until she saw the dark form of Incinerator approaching through the smoke and embers.
"Wind, behind you!" She screamed as Incinerator charged his cannon and loosed a shot. Windtunnel was quick enough that she was able to avoid the shot, knocking Dreadwing back as the explosion from the shot ripped apart a silo behind him. Incinerator bellowed and fired a shot at Jumplead, who quickly transformed and drove away to safety as the ground was ripped up behind her. She did a handbrake turn, eager to not leave her friend to the two Decepticons. Windtunnel had the upper hand against Dreadwing, but with Incinerator involved the tide had turned rapidly against her. Jumplead raced back towards the fray, but had to slam on her brakes and transform suddenly with the appearance of a sleek white Decepticon in her path. He smirked.
"Found you." He said in a none too friendly fashion. Nodding to an unseen adversary, the ground erupted beneath her feet, shattering her legs and sending her to the ground. Helpless, she watched as the white Decepticon walked towards her and grabbed her about the neck, dragging her toward the fight ahead. Switchblade dropped her down, and lifted her head, forcing her to watch. Windtunnel was fighting a losing battle. She was damaged from various points, and the two Decepticons were toying with her at best, knocking her between themselves, passing her weakening form to and fro. Dreadwing punched her to the ground, where she struggled to all fours. Incinerator kicked her over, so that she was on her back, struggling to crawl away. Chuckling, Incinerator readied his cannon which he pointed at her. She tried to knock it away, but each time the cannon found her at its end. Windtunnel grunted as she started to get up again but was brutally kicked backwards against the ruins of the warehouse. Stumbling back, she crashed against the wall and did not even get a chance to try getting back up before Incinerator put a high powered round through her, her chest erupting and the wall behind her collapsing as the shot passed through. Collapsing sideways, small flames licking from the hole in her body, Windtunnel lay still.
Jumplead boiled with rage and grief as she was hoisted up once again by Switchblade, and dragged towards the warehouse. Incinerator gave Jumplead a small smile. She glared angrily back at him. She knew that he had made Windtunnel suffer an extended amount of time. And he knew it too.
"You have no honour." She spat.
"You almost sound like Dreadwing." Incinerator said, amused. "He has honour. Unfortunately for your friend... I like to enjoy myself. Come. You have some things to tell me before I let you go."
Jumplead was dropped onto the floor of the warehouse, near to the controls for the ground bridge. Three had made it through. There was still hope.

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