A matter of Defence

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Atop a walkway before a vast opening, stands a silvery figure. His form bulky and huge, the hunched appearance due to the turbines mounted on his back. Clenching his clawed fingers into a fist, his optics narrowed, awaiting the arrival of his servant. Looking out over the landscape far below, it was peaceful, far from the sounds of the battle which raged on. Deep red fires spewed ash high into the orange tinted clouds scoured with the ruined spires of a once great city. A cold star seemed to suck the heat from the fires, its pale glow barely illuminating the smoke stained metal of the buildings, peeping between the ashen clouds.

Turning to face a new arrival, the figure reveals his deep red optical sensors, a soft growl escaping from his jagged mouth.

"You summoned me, Lord Megatron?" The arrival stepped from the shadowed doorway, coal red optics illuminating his faceplate in a dull glow, the dim light highlighting the heavyset form. A set of wings jut from his back, mounted to his shoulders. He stands proud and tall, almost matching Megatron's height.

"There has been a... development. On Earth, of all places." Megatron stepped towards Incinerator. "I am sending you to deal with the situation appropriately."

"It is an honour that you chose me, my Lord." Incinerator bowed his head in respect. "What manner of development do you speak of?"

"Soundwave has informed me that the Autobots stationed there are close to discovering one of our most important mines. You are to prevent it from falling into their possession. Defend the mine... And if you can't, ensure they will never get its resources." Megatron looked out to the city again, down at the combatants beneath him. "There are matters here too important for me to leave. Cybertron is dying, commander, and I intend to defend Kaon from our adversaries until our time is up - at least until Shockwave and I find a way to revitalise our planet."
Megatron returned his burning gaze upon Incinerator. "I need some competence on Earth, which is why I send you. Do not disappoint me, commander."

"You may consider it done, my Lord." Incinerator spoke with sinister confidence, a subtle smirk touching his lips.

"Excellent. Commander, you are dismissed. You will find your team when you arrive." Turning away and with a roar of the turbines mounted upon his back, Megatron leaped from the opening, transforming into a jagged Cybertronian aircraft, spiralling away and down toward the action. Incinerator flexed his fingers as he stepped back through the doorway, walking with heavy footfalls to a central elevator system. The walls are decorated with the evidence of war, dried energon splatters, gashes and gouges and the splashes of black coat the once pristine wall of metallic purple.

The elevator doors hiss open as he arrives, stepping inside and indicating a level far below ground. Dropping with speed, Incinerator does not contemplate much, only understanding what he was assigned to do, silently waiting for the elevator to arrive. Once it does, he steps out and makes a brisk pace towards the Space Bridge systems. He barks some orders at the drones present, telling them to power it up. Waiting patiently, he releases his weapon from its bay, examining it. A long barrelled rifle, with a large caliber and equally large chamber. A series of scopes run along its top, allowing for extremely long distance shots.

"Paveway, transform." Incinerator spoke to it. The barrel withdraws and the gun seemed to unfold, transforming into a feline like creature with large beady eyes and a mouth full of glass-like teeth. Paveway crawls up Incinerator's arm and settles upon his shoulder.

"A trip to Earth?" Paveway hissed. "We have never been sent to Earth." His tail hung low, long and snakelike, ending in a vicious blade.

"I realize." Replied Incinerator, watching the Space Bridge power up. "Then the situation on Earth must be more serious than usual to need me to intervene."

Once running at full power, the dark grey mech walked into the portal, being transported across interstellar space and landing in the low gravity environment of the moon. He is greeted by a busy communications room, filled with computer systems and personnel. Walking through it, drones wisely keeping out of his way, he exits, stepping out into the cratered lunar surface. Not taking much care for its desolate and sun-baked appearance, he makes his way towards a small group of large and heavily armed robots. They silently acknowledge his presence and gather around, waiting for their instructions. Speaking through their comm-link, as there is no air to carry his voice, Incinerator says:

"Lord Megatron has tasked us with protecting an Energon mine concealed deep in the human territory designated 'Cuba'. Soundwave has informed him that they expect heavy attacks. Blackout, Grindor;" He addresses two of the three present. "You will travel with me and Dreadwing up until a recon point in the landmass designated 'China'. From there, you will travel straight to the mine, while Dreadwing and I circle around and make an approach from the east. If you see any aircraft, destroy them. If you see any Autobots, destroy them too. Are we clear?" The three of them murmured their agreement.

"Then let us not waste time. Rise up!"

Blackout and Grindor both transformed into a Cybertronian twin-rotored aircraft, using their thrusters to push themselves towards Earth. Incinerator and Dreadwing shared a very similar form to each other, a long and wide nose with twin sets of wings at the rear, smaller stabilizers aligned at the midsection. Paveway transformed too, fitting neatly into a space under Incinerator's fuselage. Gunning their engines, the four Decepticons begin their journey to Earth.

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