✋oh you like my nails? Talk to them then

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Ariana's making us go to school. I put on a black tank and cheetah high waisted shorts with black sandals. I painted my toenails black and glittery. I'm too nervous! Ariana's recording Sam and Cat almost every day now, and Jai is recording every day now too.i have to pick my sister up from school. I go outside and wait on the bus. "Oh my gosh that girl came out of Ariana Grande's neighborhood!" Some chicks said. I sat alone, but a girl joined me, a familiar face actually. She had dirty blonde hair and was short. Alice! She went through the same problem as me except she lives with her 21 year old sister Kayla. U hugged her and she ended up hugging me back. Alice's POV:

I can't believe I forgave her for what she did to me! She left me to be abused and took her sister even though I begged her to take me. -Flashback- it was a rainy dark day she had her little sister in her arms. There I was in the old beat up barn(my room) and I was struggling. "Valerie where are you going?" I asked misrably. She gasped and jumped my fence as fast as she could kinda like she was afraid of me! I should of just avoided her,but that's wrong!

Back to story. "Look Ali I'm sorry." I said. "Hey look don't be." She said. "You look cute." She said. "You look cuter." I said. "Oh haha."she said. We went inside school and I went to Science without my bestfriend! I'm scared! "Okay everyone I'm Ms.Oliver and every time we get new students we do fun activities!" Teacher woman said. I was late because Ms Becca my real moms old friend made me sign up for a sport, it was cheer. "Ms,Brooks! Tell the class why your late!" Ms. Oliver said. "Um, because someone told me to go to a place where I suffer it took a while, but in here now!" I said with sass. She pointed to my seat. I sat down and slouched down. I didn't care I mean heard of fashionably late! "Ive assigned partners with everyone, so Ms. Brooks you'll be with missi." I looked over as the teacher said it to find a short little girl with a black eye about my age. I joined her at our table . We were making inventions. "Missi right?" I asked. "No it's my last name, actually I'm London." She said. "What happens to your eye?" I asked. "Oh don't worry 'bout it." She said as she pulled out her bookbag. "Actually I need to know." I said while pulling out my CAAIT badge Child abuse association in training ID. "Oh you think, oh no haha my chicken Lillian was making a lot of noise last night, so I went outside and I slipped on Minnie the calf's pattie." She said. "Oh okay." I said. It wasn't really bad just like the corner of her eye was a little purple. The bell rang right when we tried to get started. I finished he rest of my classes without my BFF and I went to lunch with my BFF. I sat with her and only her and I saw London all alone with her tractor lunch box. I realized I didn't have a lunch. Alice had one but she had a peive of pizza, an Oreo, 3 apple slices, and a thermos full of capri sun. She already ate it all before I came in there. She left a couple minutes later to go to her tootering session. I went over to London and she still didn't eat her lunch yet. She opened it when I sat down. "What's wrong." I asked. "Momma cooked Lillian." She said as she cried. "Hey how about you come to my house tonight with my old friend Alice." I asked. "Okay." She said. "Hey you can have these." She said as she handed me a plastic plate, 2 fried chicken legs, baby corn, carrots, and a juice pouch. I ate it all up. "Thank you so much!" She said. "Our project is due in two days!" She said. "Oh I'll cancel Alice she's fine." I said. 😹I hadn't even invited her yet anyways!

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