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We got out of the car came in and we waited in the back untill Ellen was ready for us. I put on a flower crown in Wendy's purse she'd brought and she put on her floppy hat again, I took one last selfie before the show I put 💕😭💋ELLEN SHOW SOON WATCH US NOW!!' And of course Wendy put 'TAKE ME BOWLING AND OUT FOR TOMATOE PIE!!!" Tomatoe pie was something that was actually a casorol I learned the recipe from my grandma. Its just diced tomatoes,cheesy noodles, tomatoe juice, and tiny bacon bits. She loved it. I put' WE WILL DO IT IN AUSTRAILIA!!' Ellen called us back there. "Miss Valerie!!" She said. "Ellen!!" I said! I hugged her and Wendy did too. "Miss Wendy you look fabulous with your hat and glasses." "Why, Thank you Hellen!" she said while smiling. Ellen looked at the camera while chuckling. "Its Ellen baby." I told her. "Oh.." she said as her face got red. "Its Okay Wendy!" Ellen said. "So your birthday is in three days!?!" she asked. "Yes." "How old are you turning." She held up 4 fingers. "FOUR!?!" Ellen exclaimed.'' She nodded. "Wow, well I got you something." Ellen said. "For my birthday!?!" Wendy asked. "Yes here it is." She said as she handed her a gift it was pink headphones with a sparkly white tiara and white letters that said 'THE ELLEN SHOW'..

"Well that's all we have today, so bye you girls I loved having you we barely had any time since you are going to Austrailia." ELLEN said while hugging us goodbye.

Okay Hai guys it's the author Ally,

I'm getting a bunch of hate, so I've been thinking about when this book will end.. Its gonna be a pretty long book, is that okay. Just tell me what you guys want comedy, drama, calm, ect. So I know what I'm doing the sequel.

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