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Today I was finally a Grande. My sister and I woke up to yummy cereal with wonderful bananas. What I didn't know was Ariana is real big one fitness I mean like what! She took us to the park for Wendy to play and stuff like that. I don't know she gave me 3 choices; to play with Wendy, run with her, or stay home. All those choices have an effect why I want to do them, 1: I've never been to a playground before! 2: I like to run laps I guess. I've never done it before but it seems cool unless you count running away with my sis. 3:I'm skinny on the outside and fat on the inside. I chose all, I can play with Wen, run and bring my favorite food,

GUMMY BEARS!! I brought them and I ate and ran at the same time then once I ran and played with Wendy. Whew! What a day I did it all in a single day my gummy bears were a gone. My mind kept thinking about when we my parents told me my birthday was July 8th. Wait, that's TOMORROW!!! Today was July 7th 2014 I'll turn 14 I told you I was 14 only because I forgot my parents reminded me I wasn't that old yet. MAHH BAD!! We ran for 12 hours basically a whole day! I fell asleep in the car. I woke up in the morning and I saw Ariana and some dude in front of my face. "She's up!" Ariana said. "This is Jai your dad." She said. Whut?!? I tried to say I thought it was Nathan Skyes. I was breathless and I couldn't speak. I stood up and paced and blacked out. I woke up finally and I was in a hospital Wendy was in the corner asleep with a teddy bear in her hand in Ariana's lap. I was In the hospital bed. Jai was in the corner dosed off. "She's awake!" Ariana yelled. "What happened to me?" I tried to ask, but nothing came out. "What is she saying?" Jai asked. I looked out the window and it was daylight? My sister woke up and saw me. "Hey sis you were asleep for hours and hours I missed you a lot." She said. "What are you talking about! What happened!" I tried to say it serious and mad, but nothing came out. What is going on! The nurse walked in. She brought me icecream what's going on! I ate it, but I stared at her with a strange look. "We may have to do surgery on her just to see how long this will last." My nurse said. I grabbed my phone and some chick names Alice was texting me. WAIT I REMEMBER HER SHES FROM MY OLD NEIGHBORHOOD! She's my bestfriend. I didn't remember a lot of stuff I don't remember my own name right now. Well I guess we'll have to see.

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