Chapter 3: "Where are you?"

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It had been two orbital cycles since Breeze Burst had been discovered by Prowl and Jazz and introduced to the autobots. Since her introduction the little sparkling had seemingly gotten used to her new surroundings. She could now freely walk around the base without getting lost. She also got slightly used to being around all the other new bots. She was still very shy, but now she would to talk with the others without always seeming terrified. She even made a few more friends. But she still kept up her routine of visiting Prowl and watching him work. She may not understand all of what he was doing, but it was all worth it to watch him make funny faces...and she just liked to be around him.

Right now Breeze Burst was searching for Jazz. She wanted someone to play with her and everyone else she asked was either working or busy. Jazz was the last mech she could think of to ask. Prowl currently wasn't in the base right now. He and a few other autobots were out on a mission and he wasn't scheduled to be back until later that solar cycle. She didn't really understand what the mission was about, but regardless with Prowl gone she felt lonely. Whenever Prowl wasn't around, Breeze Burst felt upset. She didn't like being away from him for too long. When she was with Prowl she felt safe, like nothing bad could happen to her. Without him it felt like something was missing, like something really, truly bad would happen. She really liked Prowl, unlike what some of the other bots would say, he was really nice and he didn't mind her being around him.

Jazz was the only other bot she felt a similar feeling to. She thought of him as a really good friend. He was really funny and she sometimes thought of him as a full-grown sparkling. Breeze had looked around the base, but she still couldn't find Jazz. Finally, she asked Sideswipe if he knew where Jazz was. He told her that Jazz had said something about going outside earlier. She thanked him and made her way to the base entrance. She peeked out the entrance and looked around. She'd been outside a few times with Prowl or Jazz, so finding Jazz shouldn't be so hard, right? 

Walking out into the desert, Breeze looked around. Jazz didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. She frowned. Where was he? Did he leave to go to the city or something? "Dazz? Where are you?" She walked around for about a klik, she wasn't far from the base, thinking maybe he was driving around or something, when a noise coming from the sky stopped her in her tracks. It started off quiet, then slowly became really loud. Breeze covered the sides of her helm and let out a whine. She hated loud noises. She looked up to try and find the source of the sound.

Above her, a small group of what looked to be bots flying seemed to be the source. Breeze tilted her helm in confusion. The only autobot she knew that could fly was Skyfire, she hadn't seen any other bots that could fly since she was on her home planet. The bots then seemed to take notice of her because they slowed their flying, then they landed in front of her. When they did Breeze jumped and let out a frightened squeak. The bots stood tall above her, glaring down at her small frame. All of them looked terrifying to the little sparkling. There were three of them and they all looked almost identical. One was red, white and blue. One was purple, black and white and one was blue, black and white.

The red mech had a look of annoyance and uninterest while other two mechs had menacing looks on their faceplates. Then the blue mech grinned, causing her to tremble. He looked to the purple mech. "Looks like we're pretty lucky, eh?" He asked. The purple mech grinned. "It appears we are, who would've guessed that she'd be out here all by herself." He said those last three words in an extremely dark tone. Breeze whimpered and started scooting away from the three mechs. She didn't like the look on the two's faceplates.

They looked...evil. "Now we won't have to deal with those annoying autobots just yet." The purple one said. Breeze's optics widened. What did they mean? Were they going to hurt the autobots? But why? The autobots were nice..."Will you two SHUT UP already and just GRAB the sparkling!!" The red mech suddenly exclaimed, causing Breeze Burst to let out a panicked squeak at the unexpected loud noise. She quickly spun around and started running as fast as her little peds would allow her. "Dazz!! 'Sides!! Someone!! HELP!!" She screamed. Sand began to kick up behind her as she sprinted towards the base. "HEY! Get back here!!" She didn't listen, she only kept running.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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