pregnancy cravings & a fire..

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After eating lunch with niara jaz was feeling uneasy at first she thought it was because of her pregnancy but no she was definity feeling uneasy as they walked back to the hosptial to clock back in.. jazmine started to get paranoid looking over her shoulder.. niara was giving her werid looks but she didnt say was making her paranoid also... when she saw tim behind them she was at ease for that moment but she needed to speak to sincere... so she stoped at the rest room before signing in and called his fone..

 *phone convo*

his fone rung 3 times before a very sleepy sexy sounding sincere answered.. 

sin:"yea baby... wassup"

jaz: "baby im having  a werid day and im very paranoid".. she told him

sin: "tell daddy wat happened for u to be feeling this way"

jaz: "well me and my co-worker niara was going out for lunch cause im craving meat balls and olives so bad.. she was telling him as she heard him start laughing"... 

sin: "u craved what" he asked still laughing

jaz: "stop  laughing at me sin"

sin: "iight ma tell me what happen "

jazmine sucked her teeth and finished explaining "well when we was walking to subway a guy apporached me an'''' 

*convo over*

  she could even get the words out before sincere told her to tell her boss she got to go home.. and then he hung up on her..that thought right their made her curious but she left out the bathroom and walked to her boss office..the way sincere sound this guy must be someone he no..

after explaining to her boss about her pregnancy he gave her the clarence to leave saying she looked tired.. she thanked him and went to talk to niara until sincere called her.

"so when was u gonna tell me about the pregnancy" niara asked her in a whisper-yell kind of way.

jazmine look at her wide eye " how the fuck did u no?"

niara smiled at her then explained to her that she craved for werid food and how she had a feeling a few weeks back when she was sleeping so much in the break room. they spoke a lil more until her fone rung and sincere was telling her to come outside..


              After i got that call i was getting dress i had a feeling that nigga pook was gonna try something i knew he was gonna make it his way to come find her and to see what she looked like it was honestly nothing but a matter of time before he came lurking looking for her... he was bored and he needing a new hobby but i refuse to allow jazmine to become one of his puppets...

      i always promise my mother if i ever found someone special to settle down with i would keep her and our family safe..because i already had plans to leave the game once the baby was born or before it.. i was gone honestly i know i said before that i wasnt gonna leave but look at my pops he was to greedy to choose his family first and look where that got him put 6 feet under with my moms next to him ... so im gonna put mines first and leave this shit to quan or dre move my family to florida or some where in the suburbs and live a normal life lol..

            after i got dress i headed to the garage and hopped and my truck... headed towards the city i didnt know what the hell pook was thinking but kidnapping my chic is a huge no no..

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