one 🌿

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Busy Seoul streets, people passing each other, street shops and red sky - basic scenery in my daily life. It's beautiful, but.. It's not exciting anymore when I'm used to it. Now everything looks boring and dull in my eyes.

As usual, I'm going home after a long day at school and I feel like a zombie because it was extra exhausting today  + mean words from school "queens" made everything harder. It's not like that their words are bothering me, but when I try to carry papers to teachers room and they are pushing's annoying.
Why they are so mean to me? I don't know. Maybe because I'm a foreigner and they are jealous of my beauty?? Haha, just kidding. I'm just an ugly dork who came from England to Korea with her parents for the fucking last year of high school! Like.. Okay, mom and dad, you have a buisness to do here, but why you dragged me here? I would be able to live alone in my home country, but no, I had to move out. And no, it's not that I hate living in South Korea, but moving here was the worst time, but... What's done is done so I have no choice, but to go with the flow.

I walked almost half of the way to my house, but suddenly I started to want some coffee on my way, so I entered the nearest cafe from where I was.
It's a beautiful and cozy looking place! I wonder why I haven't gone there before? How I didn't notice place like this? Oh well, it is how it is.
I stood up in the line after some tall and kind of wide shoulder owner.

"Sorry sir, but we can't take payment through credit card, our device is broken.." The bartender said.

"Oh.. Then the next time" That guy said and was about to walk away, but I being myself - interrupted.

"I'll pay for him. How much is it?" I asked and that guy turned to me. He was wearing a mask, but from his eyes I could see that he was very surprised.

"You don't have to.."

"Just enjoy that someone is helping." I said and handed money for bartender which included the price of my order too.

"Ah.. How should I say.. Thank you?" He spoke. "How can I pay you back?"

"You don't have to." I smiled as I took my coffee.


"No buts. Enjoy your drink" I smiled and left the cafe.

I don't know why, but I feel good after doing that. Like.. Yeah, you stupid dork, your karma points has grew up 5 times higher. Hahaha, I'm so funny. Not.

Suddenly I felt a grip on my shoulder, so I turned my head back and saw that guy.


"That's not fair when girl pays for a guy.. At least let me drive you home..?" He spoke.

"Drive me home? Maybe you mean the forest where you could rape and kill me, or kill me and then rape me?? LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!" I said in sarcastic-excited voice.

"Haha, you are funny. And no, I won't do that, but if you want to..." He started to laugh what made me to giggle too. "So.. Can I take you home at least?"

"Maybe next time?"

"Are you scared of me?"

"No" I made a serious face.

"Yeah, yeah, sure" He teased me.

"Huh?? Fine, let's fucking go to your car, bycicle or horse" I said and he started to laugh.

As we reached his car, I got really impressed because it was a beautiful, but not as mine, ahahaha. Okay, it's time for me to stop these lame jokes.

We sat inside of it and he started the engine. "Where do you live?" He asked and I answered. "Alright. It's near my place! By the way, wanna go very fast or slow and safe?"

"Pff, of course fast" I said and his smile was obvious even through that stupid mask.

For a while I thought that awkward silence is going to fill in the atmosphere, but that guy let a deep sigh and started talking.

"So... You trust people so easily?"

I laughed.

"Who said that I trust?"

"Well.. You are in stranger's car who you believe will take you home, but what if I'm some kind of psycho and I really going to do something bad to you?" He turned his look to me and then back to the road.

"Hmm.. Well, if I'm going to die now - fine, but don't get me wrong.. Like I don't want to die yet, but if I will - oh well, it means that is my fate. By the way, a psycho or killer won't say that he is like you did" I laughed.

"You are really interesting person." He said. "And we reached our destination"

"Our?" I raised my eyebrow and laughed.

"Yours.." He rolled his eyes. "So... Still... Maybe there is a chance to pay you back?"

"Show your face because it's kinda creepy when you are with that mask" I laughed.

"About it.. Sorry, I can't.."

"Too ugly? Well it's okay, I'm ugly too, but if you don't want to do that - fine." I smiled. "And bye bye, thank you for the ride, get home or where you need safely!" I said and got out of the car and was about to close the doors, but he stopped me.

"What's your name??" He popped his eyes while asking.

"Aria" I smiled and walked to my house doors. I don't know if he wanted to say something more or what, but I just quickly escaped from this situation because... I wanted go to the toilet so badly, but I played cool and calm. Oh god, I'm such a dork, I know.


I did my all routine after school and since my mom today is at home, I told what happend and she started to make fun of me, like "oh god, maybe an idol took you home".. It's funny because I don't know any of them here. I saw on TV some BTS guys or something like that, then hundreds of other people, but if I would see someone in real life I wouldn't recognize because they all look super similar and like basic korean people beings.

I walked upstairs to my room and started doing my homework which were super easy. Am I genius or what? Because I was so scared of going to korean high school just because everyone was telling me that it's so hard to get good grades, to learn everything and shits like that, but thank god.. It's not like that.

After doing my homework I talked with my friend through whatsapp because we haven't seen each other or even talked for a long time. And what she told me was really good news - she's moving to korea too and she's going to work here as makeup artist at some of the entertainment companies that I can't say because I wasn't listening carefully, but all in all, I'm super happy about it because finally I'm going to have a friend, a super good, sister-like friend.

We talked about two more hours and after that, I just fell in my soft king size bed and fell asleep as fast as lighting.

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