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Barry was at yet another long day at work, despising the experience as per usual yet staying as he should. Many people he had spoken to had asked why he doesn't just quit the job, and this was only because Julian had a very strong reputation of practically ruining the lives of people who did so. He would spread lies about them, rumours, etcetera. He had done things like this so often it had got to the point where he genuinely spread fear into the minds of his employees, so much that they didn't dare report him to anyone, out of fear of this.

The office building was bustling, as usual, people running about with papers and plans of the such, everyone trying to get their work in on time to avoid any unwanted punishment. Barry was currently sat at his desk, next to the window, as usual, sat in the light as he typed away on his laptop, printing page after page next to him, piling up in a stack of paper now around a ruler's length high. It was surprisingly impressive considering that he had only been working on it for three days, but it just showed how much stress and effort they were put through. 

Despite all of this, Barry had actually been significantly happier over the past few days. Whilst it was still true that he felt the same way he did before, the fact that someone had offered to help him was all he really needed to cheer him up. Again, even though that one person was likely to be the person he would be arguing against and rivalling against, he did genuinely hope she would be there for him again. There wasn't really a particular reason why he wanted this, but he knew for a fact that it just simply made him feel better about himself, which was certainly a good thing for him.

There was a big announcement due to be made by Julian today, he had postponed over a few days, however he had demanded everyone to stop their work in around an hours time from now, so it was most likely going to be today, otherwise he had just given everyone a break, which is extremely unlikely. Everyone was somewhat afraid, all things considered about Julian's past. It was likely that this would just be a random call-up, presumably telling everyone that they were 'under-achieving' and forcing everyone to work longer hours or something along those lines. It was something which they all dreaded, however, had grown to accept it due to the dangers of doing to opposite.

Barry had been thinking a lot recently about how the entire rivalry worked. Knowing for a fact that he didn't exactly agree with the whole thing, he didn't exactly feel amazing being the head speaker in this entire business war. It was certainly rather stupid, thinking logically as both companies were working on the same project, so working together would not only speed up the process but almost certainly improve it as well. The only reason they were not doing this already was one, because of Julian's selfish personality, and two, the previous hate Thomas Snow also had for Julian. It didn't make life particularly easy for the employees, but never the less, it was still something they had to deal with.

Thinking about all this, Barry decided to cross the word with Julian. It was certainly risky, but he knew that he wouldn't get fired due to the reliance that Julian had with him. He climbed the two flights of stairs to the top floor, knocking on Julian's door.

"COME IN," he shouted, Barry slowly walking into the room.

"Yes?" he snapped, looking up at Barry.

"Mr Alberts, I wanted to pass something by you."

"Go on then," 

"Well, I was thinking about how much more productive it would be if we teamed up with Snowtech. I know that this is unlikely something you would want to do, but for the sakes of the product, perhaps it would be more sustainable if we..."

"Get out," Julian snapped, cutting off Barry. Barry remained stood there for a few moments, surprised at the response, before Julian raised his voice this time, shouting at him to get out. Barry did as he was told, leaving the room, disappointed that it didn't work, however not at all surprised.

As he wandered back to his computer, he clicked onto his emails and refreshed them, checking to see if he had anything to reply to. Among the many emails that flew into his mailbox, one was marked as urgent, with the subject of "read now". Clicking on it and opening it, he began to read.

"Hey, don't panic. This isn't particularly urgent, I just wanted to know that you would read it. I have heard rumours that the company you work in is about to undergo a massive change, which you may or may not know about yet. I am writing to tell you that what I believe you want is going to come true, at least I hope so. I will try my best to make it better for you."

The message was left unsigned, sent by an email address that really didn't give away any identity. Barry simply closed the window, hoping for answers in the near future, at least that is what it said would happen in the message.

He noticed another message in his inbox, this time instantly recognising who it was from.

Caitlin Snow.

"Hey, I just wanted to check on you. You doing okay?"

Barry left a quick reply, specifying that he was feeling a lot better. As he sent the email, Julian burst into the room, causing the entire room to fall into an eerie silence.

"Everyone, listen up," he said, sounding much less snappy or strict as usual, for some strange reason.

"I have an announcement to make, which will be a surprise to all of you. I'm not going to waste your, or most importantly my time with a long speech, so I will just come right out and say it. I am leaving Sparkfire tomorrow. You are being replaced with a new CEO, which I forget the name of, Rabone? Kamon? Something like that. Anyway, I don't know what this will mean for the company or all of you, but honestly, I don't really care anymore. So, a certain someone may get his wishes," he said, sharply gesturing towards Barry.

"Anyway, I will be taking my leave now. Take the day off, I don't really care," he said, storming out of the building, taking his briefcase with him.

As soon as the elevator doors shut, the noise immediately was brought back up again, but instead of bustling and moaning, it was much more of a happy environment, some even cheering, throwing their papers up in the air. Barry simply stood there smiling to himself, looking over at his computer to see another piece of mail in his inbox.

"It's good to hear you are okay. Also, according to my father, there will be a big change in the companies tomorrow, affecting both of them. Just in case you wanted to know. Also, I hope your project is going well, mine is currently going averagely,


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