Chapter One, The Torture Begins

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      "Ugh, looks like another boring academy," You sighed as you walked towards the towering building. Everything was very spacious inside. Your family hated you, so you most likely will have the most annoying teachers. You were hoping that you would make it through the day without being disturbed. Yet, that was impossible for you. Groaning, you stomped off to your first period class, Math.

        As you were about to step in, you were blocked by two girls. One of them, was tall and slim, and had little curves, while the other was medium height and slightly plump, with medium sized curves. You knew something was about to go down. "Hmph! You think you can just storm into our classroom with your hair looking like that?" They teased. You actually found it very surprising, since you had your hair in a flawless (F/HS). You tensed up.

       "Well, EXCUSE ME FOR TRYING TO LOOK NICE!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, making your face red as a tomato. You stared at the girls, I shouldn't have done that... You thought to yourself. Both girls wore a extremely shocked face.

  "Move..." Someone from behind the girls mumbled, and shoved them away. After that, the person grabbed your wrist with a violent grip, practically dragging you along side them. As you were fuming with rage and embarrassment, you noticed who this person was. He was a tall and slightly built young man, who's eyes were a light green, and had shaggy brown hair. Great. You thought to yourself.

      Once he turned the corner, he pinned you too the wall, violently. He said nothing when a lustful smirk appeared on his face. He then slowly leaned towards your face, ready to meet his lips with yours. No! My first kiss was supposed to be with my soulmate! Right when he was about to land his lips on yours, his head was hit with something sturdy, making him slump to the floor, passed out.

You had one good look at your 'hero', before you muttered a 'thank you', and ran back to class.


You couldn't focus in any of your classes because all you could ponder about was your 'hero'. Psh, why am I even calling him my 'hero'. For all I know, he could be a murderous psychopath. You awoke from your thoughts with the teachers booming voice.

"(Y/N)!!! I ADVISE YOU PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!!!" The teacher boomed. Everyone jumped from their seats at the sound of his voice. He was absolutely furious.

You huffed, "Would you mind not screaming your lungs out?!" You huffed again, stood up, and turned swiftly to leave. You threw a 100 dollar bill at the man, hoping he would leave you alone, and stormed out. "UGGGHHH!!! SO ANNOYING!!!" You yelled and sprinted out of the academy, tears filling your eyes. Man did you hate idiotic people.

Once you finally reached the front of the despicable building, you sighed and skimmed down a tree. You rested your head on your knees and began to bawl. What the hell was wrong with you?! Why doesn't anyone love you...

???'s P.O.V

I heard a faint cry coming from behind a tree. Who could be crying? I followed that sound, for what it seemed like hours. I then saw the culprit of the tears. No, it couldn't be...

But it was. It was her. the 'damsel in distress'. my hidden soulmate...


I gently walked over to her, and swung my arm around her, pulling her cold body close to mine. Oh, how I always dreamed of this! Oh, how I wish she felt the same way.

She looked up at me slowly with her beautiful (E/C) eyes. I could swim in them for hours..."I-it's you," she stuttered. I wiped the tears off her flawless face, witch made her flinch. "H-HEY!! GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF ME!!" she bellowed when she gave me a good smack on the face before running off.

I muttered something to myself, "I will make sure no one, and I mean NO ONE, will ever take you from me, my sweet, sweet, (Y/N)."


Thank you so much for reading this. I must note, this is my first story so I apologize if it is crappy. ><

Anyways, I will take any suggestions or requests from you, or at least try, because that will help me a LOT. I would also like to know if I made any spelling or grammar errors.

I will be trying to update every 3-7 days. Oh! One more thing, I would love too know what you're thinking of the story so far! Have a grand day/evening/night readers!!!

Shout-out to my cousin, who is currently reading this, minnesotawild5 

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My Hidden, Sassy, Lover (Yandere x Fem!Reader) Academy AUWhere stories live. Discover now