VIII. Prison

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I could hear shots out there. They were destroying everything in their way. Soon they would find my house and take me with them... or kill me.

"Look! We haven't checked there!", I heard one of them say.

My heart beat faster and I froze. They were going to come here. I couldn't defend myself. I couldn't do anything, those bastards were very powerful.

I just hope Sarah is OK. But if she retrieves the Stone and comes back here, she won't find me, and I don't want to think about what's going to happen to her.

They broke my door and I stepped back.

"Aha! You thought we wouldn't find you!", one of them said and lifted his gun to hit me. But another one stopped him.

"Wait!", he looked at me for a little while. "...It's Theo!".

They all looked at me and lowered their guns.

"What do you want?", I dared to ask them.

"Well, you'll see, the Red Fairy needs some more slaves and we're here looking for new ones and we found you", the one who was going to hit me said too casually.

"I can't believe it", another one said. "The Red Fairy will be glad to see you... If you escaped once you won't ever do it again".

"You won't get away with it. You all will die!", I yelled at them.

"Whatever, take him to her!", he ordered. One of them wanted to hit me but I dodged it and tried to flee. It was useless. I bumped against one of them and he hit me on the head. I fell unconscious.

*~*~*~ *~*~*~ *~*~*~*~

I woke up and I was laying on a bed. I sat up and looked at my surroundings. There was a toilet, a washbasin and a gate made with metal bars. I was in prison.

The prison was lit up with various torches here and there. If it weren't for those torches the place would look pitch black, since the daylight didn't shine in this realm. Only darkness, always.

I could hear voices, so I stood up and walked near the bars of the cell to hear better.

"Where is he?", it was the Red Fairy's voice. But I couldn't see her nor anybody. She must be asking for me.

"In that cell over there. Do you want to see him?", a guard asked.

"Not right now", she said.

Then she whispered something I couldn't hear. After the whisper she raised her voice.

"OK. As for the girl... throw her into the same cell. With him", she said.

"And what about the stone?", another guard said.

"Give it to me" she said and there was a silence. Then she said angrily "Take her to the cell!". And with that I heard her walk away.

The girl? The stone? Maybe they captured Sarah? I heard the ugly guards approaching to my cell.

They were carrying a girl's body. I froze when I realized it was Sarah. Was she dead? What had they done to her? I was scared.

I was standing in the middle of the cell as a guard opened the gate and walked in.

"Get outta the way", he said pushing me on the chest. I watched as 2 guards threw Sarah's body harshly to the bed. Her hair covered her face and her arm was hanging out the edge of the bed.

I was very angry at them. How dare they to throw her like that? As if she was a doll or an useless object.

"Look after her. We don't want her to fall down", said a guard and all laughed. I wanted to kill them all.

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