I'm Kellin Quinn

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Chapter 1


Natalia hesistated before slowly walking past the school gates. Mark had broken up with her the night before and she was finding it difficult. She lived in a terraced house with her mum (over the fireplace) and dad. She was wearing the usual, black t-shirt, skinny jeans and Doc martins which were getting splashed as she stepped through a giant puddle.

Was this really worth it? She considered turning around but noticed teachers nearby. She opened the door and took a breath before heading for the diner, she would have much rather stayed at home today. She sat down across from one of her best friends Laura and sighed loudly.

"I am so ill" she moaned.

"Just as long as you don't sneeze on me, thats fine" Laura laughed at her friends misery "How did it go yesterday?"

"we broke up" natalia said almost in tears.

"oh my god, im so sorry"

"whatever, I need to get my things out of my locker" Natalia stood up hastily and shuffled away before another word could be spoken, she hated talking about her relationship with mark. He always treated her like a jerk and yet she loved him, she didn't understand why. But now that was over so it didn't matter anymore. She shook the thought away and headed towards her locker. As she turned around the corner she smacked into something and almost fell backwards but before she could a warm hand grabbed her and pulled her upright again.

"I'm so sorry!" the boy said "I wasn't watching where I was going".

In front of natalia stood a boy who looked to be about sixteen with longish brown hair and blue eyes. Slightly irritated she brushed herself off and huffed.

"you're supposed to walk on the left"

"oh, I didn't realise, sorry. I'm new here"

"ok, just watch where you are going" her voice softened a bit and the she dodged past the new kid and opened her locker.


"What was that all about" Dixie asked as soon as Natalia was out of sight. Laura turned to her,

"her and mark broke up"

"Oh no, thats so sad!" Dixie sighed "I hate it when people are sad"

"she'll be fine" Laura reassured her.

Just then Zayn walked upto the table and plonked down onto the edge of the bench

"whattup, whattup?" he sang light heartedly.

"someone woke up on the right side of the bed!" Laura laughed, it was a rare occasion when Zayn was in a good mood in the morning.

"Guys! we are soooo going to that party on the hill tonight it's gonna be buzzin, the whole year is invited!"

Laura looked at Dixie,

"I'll go if you'll go?"

"sure!" Dixie replied "Zayn, you should go and ask Natalia and Paisley, I think they will come too"

Zayn laughed loudly "Obvs they will! I'll make them, but first, let me take a selfie"

And with that Zayn got up and left. (And then he flies away)


"shit!" Paisley fell out of her bed in panic. "i have 20 minutes to get ready and get to school, ok i can do this, don't panic calm down it's alright. why am i talking to myself? Oh god! im going crazy"


As she was sorting through the books in her locker natalia could feel the new kid lingering nearby, she turned to face him,

"are you ok?"

"yeah, i was just wondering if you could show me around, seeing as i don't know where anything is or where to walk" he smirked at the last part. Natalia, beginning to get extremely aggitated slammed her locker and walked away.

"wait!" he called after her "i'm joking, please can you show me around, pretty please?" he attempted puppy dog eyes and Natalia hesitated, so far this boy had been quite annoying, but maybe she had been a little bit harsh.

"ok, i can show you around the ground floor but that's it"

"great" he smiled happily "so, what is your name, if i may ask?" he grinned cheesily

"Natalia" she couldnt help but return the smile, it was infectious.

"Hello Natalia, I'm Kellin Quinn".

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