Now is not the time

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Kellin shuffled closer to Natalia.

"so, do you wanna dance with me or?" He raised one eyebrow mischievously.

"Okay" She agreed.

As they were dancing to a really techno song Natalia could feel Kellin slowly inching closer. Heck, any closer and they might aswell be grinding. She stepped back and bumped into another couple

"sorry" she muttered as they turned and glared at her.

She turned back towards Kellin who hadn't even noticed and continued to dance. She was just starting to have fun when the song stopped and a slower one replaced it. Other couples started to slow dance and feeling awkward Natalia turned to leave the dancing area.

She stopped when she felt Kellins hand on her shoulder.

"Dance with me? Please?" he whispered into her ear so she could hear him over the loud music. Even though she thought it would be awkward that they were just friends she nodded and turned around again. Kellin had a massive grin plastered to his face like he had just won the olympics. Natalia frowned at this, did he like her more than a friend? She couldn't tell Either way she didn't want that.

After the dance Natalia pulled away from Kellin. They began to walk over to were Zayn and the others were sat but Kellin pointed to a quieter spot further on and said

"Lets sit over there"

Natalia began to panic, this couldn't be happening. Not the day after her relationship with Mark had ended, she liked Kellin, a lot, but she was no where near ready to move on.

Kellin sat down and watch Natalia as she looked down intensely at  her hands avoiding eye contact.



She nodded

"look at me"

She glanced up

"what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about how cool this party is"

Kellin knew that she was trying to change the subject.

"yeah, its cool that we got to know eachother better"

Natalia looked back at her hands

"yeah, I guess so"

Kellin placed his hand under her chin and raised her head to look at him

"Natalia, I know we only met today, but I would like to know you more, and I know that I really like you, so what I am trying to say is, Will you go out with me?"

Natalia looked pained. Kellins heart dropped and his hand fell away.

"I guess thats a no then"

"Kellin, I really do like you, trust me I do but this is a really bad time for me"

Kellin didn't answer, he just shook his head and got up trying to hide his disappointment.

"it doesn't matter" he mumbled walking away.

An Unexpected Ending (Kellin Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now