Another Knew Agent

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Agent Hand walks on the Bus with this little 14 year old girl.

"Who's this?" I ask Agent Hand.

"Melinda,Did't Coulson tell you? You're her S.O.." Hand tells me.

Oh,yeah. I forgot that Coulson signed me up to be a kids supervising officer. I was really upset all ready and then he told me the news. Great, another random use less kid on the Bus.

"Hello, Agent May I'm Vanessa Thratcher. I'm looking forward to working with you,"says Vanessa.

"The feeling is mutual," I lie to the new agent on her first day. She looks ready for combat.

Why on earth would she need me?

"Agent May, Fury assigned her to you so you could teach her your Cavalry skils," Agent Hand says obviously feeling satisfied with herself.

I want to punch her but Coulsen comes in and saves the day, for her.

"Thank you, Agent Hand,"says Phil," we'll take it from here,"

Coulson then walks with Hand and whispers to her.

I couldn't hear him because I was out of ear shot, but I just ignore it.

Skye runs downstairs, with Jemma trailing behind her.

Skye says really exitedly,like its Christmas, "AC told us someone new would be boarding the plane today!"

"I was hoping it was someone from Sci-Tech," says Simmons.

"Jemma leave the girl alone its just her first day," Fitz says.

Vanessa seems to be pretty amused by eithet their argument, or Fitz's accent.

Then Ward comes down the spiral staircase, he still smells horrible from when we spared this morning.

"Agent Grant Ward."Grant says sticking out his hand.

Vanessa takes it,"Vanessa Thratcher. Good to meet you, Ward,"

Skye is still really excieted, " Come on May introduce us,"

"Vanessa this is Skye, Jemma Simmons, Fitz, Phil Coulson, and you've alredy met Ward."

Ward and I glare at each other.

Again, Coulsen brakes the ice, "Girls why don't you show Vanessa upstairs.Ward, Fitz, take her bags up and show her around. May can I talk to you for a second,"

"Yeah,"I say and we watch everyone else go upstairs.

"Melinda, are you okay?"

"I'm fine,"

"I mean about Ward. As I said before I know you wouldn't tell me if there was something wrong,"

"Their is one thing bothering me. What did you whisper to Victoria Hand before she left?" I changed the subject.

"I told her not to call you the Cavalry, "Coulson says and he walks away.

I go up to the cockpit of the plane and wait for Vanessa to come up and find me.

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