Very Impressive

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(Melida's POV)

After Vanessa comes to see me in the cocpit of the Bus she just stays the whole night. The girl brought me tea and a sandwich. I was pretty happy when she decided to stay. When we went on missions I'd stay in the cockpit by myself and think. I honestly don't want to think because my thoughts would always come back to Phil. Having Vanessa talking to me until we got to the Hub, it was just really nice.

When we got to the Hub, Vanessa and I went straight to our bunks. Then I woke Vanessa, Skye, and Ward and all four of us went to the new agent training unit and got to work. I took Vanessa to the sparing mats and she fought one of the trainers standing their just in case the agents S.O. wasn't their, or in my case doesn't want to hurt someone. Vanessa can fight she knocked the trainer off his feet before he could get any accurate punches in. She then proved she could have also gone to sci-tech by solving 200 random math problems, from triganometry to rocket science, in under five minutes. She has an above average IQ score, perfect balance, great fighting skills, and focus as strong as mine. I have no idea what to teach her.

Ward and I talk during lunch.

"What if all four of us entered that tornament thing that was set up for agents? "Ward says.

"What are you talking about? ",I say, "Grant I think your losing it, "

"There are flyers all over the place. We should join so the girls can compare themselves to other agents. And it will be fun for us, "

"Alright. Lets sign up, "

I decide to put Skye and Vanessa in a sparing match, while Ward signs up our new mini-team. I want to see what Ward taught Skye, and what strategy Vanessa uses when she is fighting a person she can't just punch because their job is to be punched. Vanessa has no stradegy what so ever she can punch, but she can't punch effectively.

I planned on going to dinner with Grant and Commander Hill after the Hub, but I instead decied to go back to the plane. Coulson is sitting in his car playing some random game on his phone.

"I thought you were going to dinner with Ward and Hill, "

"I decided not to go, "

"Melinda that isn't like you. Melinda May doesn't just not do something because someone that she doesn't like is their, "

I open the car door and sit next to him in the passenger seat. " Phil I'm not handeling the end of me and Ward as well as I thought I could, "

"Melinda did you think I didn't notice?" Coulson says. We both stay quite for a while. I think he wanted an answer "Lets go to the shooting range, "


"So you can let off some steam and I can work on my aim."

Before I answer Coulson, he starts the car.

"The great Phil Coulson needs to work on his aim? "

"Melinda, were going for you lets focus on you, "

"Why do stupid things tend to upset people the most? "

"May, I dont think you and Ward was a stupid thing, "

"Alright, then why did you want me to end it with him?"

"I wanted you to tell him about Lora Lie upsetting you. I didn't want you saying, an evil person talked to me so were done."

"You do realize you aren't the best at cheering people up, "

"I'm an operative. Do you think I know how to cheer people up? Think about it, to cheer you up I'm taking you to a shooting range, "

"It makes sense to take me to a shooting range. I'm an operative to, "

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