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Start of day 3. This will also be very short.

Warning: Sexism (I don't stand for sexism in anyway but there is some in this chapter)


France and Gaul were looking through a very old photobook. Many were pictures of France when he was younger, some went back even further.

France saw a picture, well more like a drawing, of a woman he didn't know. The woman looked a bit familiar.

"Maman, who's this?" He asked pointing to the picture.

Gaul looked at the picture and started to laugh, "That's Keivan Rus."

France looked a bit surprised, "He doesn't look pretty happy in this. Why is he wearing a dress and wig? What happened?"

Gaul started to laugh some and began to tell the story, "Well...


Gaul was at a party, she was wearing pants not dresses or skirts like some of the other female Ancients.

The party was ending and Ancients were leaving. Before Gaul left, Keivan Rus came up to her.

"Hello Gaul"

She turned to him, "Keivan, how are you?"

"Fine, thank you for asking."

"May I ask you a question?"


"Why aren't you wearing a dress or skirt?" he asked.

This took her by surprised, "Umm, I didn't want to so I decided to wear pants besides I thought pants would be a bit more comfortable." She started to wonder where this conversation was going.

"But isn't that what you women are supposed to wear?"

A few other Ancients that were around the two immediately turned to them.

"What!?!" Britannia yelled.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"Women and girls are suppose to wear dresses and skirts, men and boys are suppose to wear pants." He said again.

Gaul felt a wave of anger wash over her and tries to calm herself down.

But that wasn't working.

"Women and girls are suppose to stay home and do housework so they wear dresses and skirts while men and boys go do hard work out in the field so they wear pants, it's simple. What aren't you getting? Your suppose to be wearing a dress or at least a skirt."

Gaul and other angry female Ancients started to surround him.

While male Ancients started to back away from him.


Because they knew (And we do to),

That fuzz was about to go down.    


Gual punched Keivan, knocking him out. "So I can't wear pants because I feel like it?"

"Is he serious?" Ancient Egypt asked.

Britannia, Ancient Greece, and Iberia just shook their heads.

"Besides sometimes dresses can be to much." Britannia said.

"But he doesn't know that." Iberia said.

Gaul smirked, "Then lets show him."


Over night the female Ancients slipped in Keivan Rus's house and replaced his clothes with dresses, and skirts.

They even left some nail polish.


Keivan Rus woke up with a headache, it took him awhile to remember what happened.

He remembered talking to Gaul before she knocked him out.

He walked over to his closet to change out of his clothes, he noticed some dresses hanging up. He shook his head and looked again.

The dresses were still there.

He shook his head again and closed the closet, he had to be hallucinating.


He went over to his drawers and opened it.

He saw blouses, some skirts, and wigs.

What was happening?

There was also some nail polish bottles on top his drawer.  

There was a note attached to one of the bottles. He picked it up and read it, only to groan.

Apparently Gaul had his clothes and for him to get it back, he had to go all the way to her house. But the only thing he had to wear were dresses, and the note said he had to wear a wig, and nail polish.


 Keivan looked at himself in the mirror. He had to admit, he did look good.

He stepped out of his house and into the outside world. It was cold but he still had to get his clothes back so kept walking.


By the time he got to Gaul's house, he was tired, and felt like crap.

And boy, this dress wasn't helping.

At All. 

It was very windy and the dress kept flying up causing him to try and keep it down. Pants would have been way more comfortable.

Ohhh, that's what Gaul said at the party.

Yeah, he really had to apologize to her.

He knocked on the door.

"It's opened!!" Someone yelled from inside.

He walked in to see Gaul and the other female Ancients sitting in the living room, they were all staring and laughing at him.

"May I get my clothes back?"  He asked Gaul, she nodded.

"Only if you pose for awhile."

He sighed, nodded and put his hand on his hip and posed Ancient Egypt drew a picture of him.

"I am keeping this forever." Gaul said once Ancient Egypt was done.

"Gaul, I am very sorry for what I said yesterday." 

"Well, you learned your lesson but say anything like that again and I promise you I'll get her," She pointed to Britannia, "To turn you into a girl for a whole day."

Keivan's eyes widened and he immediately nodded his head.


"Wow, you really taught him a lesson." France said laughing a bit, when Gaul finished the story.

Gaul was wiping tears from her eye that formed from laughter, "Yes, I did."


Girl Power 

That's all I have to say.


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