Snowball Fights

901 30 16

Warning: Maybe O.O.C. Ness 


"Man your stations boys!! We are not going down without a fight!!!" Scandinavia yelled to his sons.

They were under heavy fire.

This was probably the most stressful moment in his life.


Denmark threw a snowball at Russia.

Only to get a larger one thrown back at him straight in his face causing him to fall back into the snow.

"Man down, we got a man down!!! He needs a medic, stat!!" Scandinavia yelled.

"On it!!" Finland yelled, he ran over to Denmark and dragged him to their tent, careful to not get hit by snowballs.

"Give it up Scandinavia!!! You and your sons are no match for me and my children!!" Keivan Rus yelled from across the yard.

So basically what's happening here is that Scandinavia and his sons are stuck in an everlasting snowball fight against Keivan Rus and his kids. The Nordics and Scandinavia are really good and competitive at snowball fights and anything related to snow (which is why Scandinavia is talking to his sons like soldiers) but.

Keivan Rus and his kids are really really good. 

"I think we need reinforcements!" Norway yelled to his father who nodded.

"Retreat men retreat!!! They all ran back into their tent.  

"Surrendering already!?!" Belarus yelled.

Sweden poked his head out of the tent and shook it.

Ukraine threw a snowball at him and hit him right in the face.

He closed the tent and wiped the snow off his face.

Scandinavia was pacing around, "Their stronger then we thought, men. Looks, like we're gonna need back up. Now........." He started to think.

"Magic!" Norway yelled. Scandinavia looked at him curiously.

Norway came up to his father, stood up straight, and saluted him, "Permission to speak sir!!"

Scandinavia nodded, "Permission granted." 

Norway nodded, "Magic can help us win this war."

Scandinavia nodded, "Continue."


"Do you think we should show a little mercy?" Ukraine asked her father.

"Nope. This is war, and no one shows mercy during war." He responded,"Since our enemies are still hiding in their tent, and they might not come out for awhile, that gives us a chance to invade their territory and capture them. " Keivan and Russia started heading for the other side.  


"Uhh...sir I think we should send someone out there to guard the base." Iceland said before heading outside. Scandinavia was still talking to Norway so he didn't notice. 


Iceland walked out the tent only to have someone cover his mouth and drag him to the other side of the yard. He was pulled into a tent.

"I thought we were going to invade their territory and capture them." Ukraine said.

Keivan Rus nodded, "We were but now we have a prisoner, who is also the youngest of all of them. And we can force them to surrender that way."   

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