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A/N: First of all, I am really sorry it has taken me forever to post this update but we were in a process of moving into a new apartment and having two restless kids around had made the task quite a challenge. I promise to try my best and keep the updates more frequent from now on. Next will be Aileen meeting Ben (finally) and Sibyl ;-)  

Present Day

Aileen sighed as she closed her laptop and put it aside, resting her head against the wall. She had spent the whole evening holed up in her room, googling and searching up as much information about this Ben Barnes as she could possibly find. She had learnt about his origins and parents, about the beginnings of his career and earlier projects. From what she knew he was a talented actor and obviously a singer too. She also had studied his pictures and after the several hours of her research she was sure of one thing, he was not Dorian Gray. But the one prickly question was still remaining unanswered. Why the hell did he look like Dorian's identical twin?

The girl got up from her bed and moved to the window which was currently being lashed by a heavy rain. She put her forefinger on the glass and traced down one of the many streams that the pouring water had created. Her head was throbbing with the lot of thoughts running through her mind like wild horses. Aileen had come up with two theories as of why this guy might look so awfully just like Dorian and she didn't like either of them. Another loud sigh escaped her mouth, leaving a misted mark on the window glass.

The black night sky was suddenly brightened by the flash of lightning, soon followed by a rumble of a thunder. Aileen instinctively stepped away from the window and hugged herself, slowly rubbing her arms now covered with goosebumps. She detested storms.

Her feet carried her out of the room and to the kitchen. With the storm picking up outside Aileen had no desire to go to sleep, it would be pointless, she knew she would not be able to drift off. Instead she had made herself a cup of camomile tea and was just about to go back to her room when Ellie stepped in.

"Hey, are you feeling better now?" Ellie asked her with a genuine concern.

"Hmm. I think so." Aileen mumbled, she felt a little bit guilty for lying to her friend about herself not feeling good earlier that evening. She simply had needed an excuse to get to a privacy of her room and start her research.

"I think it's just the nerves." the tall girl remarked thoughtfully and smiled down at her. "But don't fret, Leeney, you'll do great tomorrow. I know it."

"Thank you, Ellie. You know, for being my friend and all." Aileen gave her a smile of her own. She wished to be able to tell her just how much she appreciated her friendship, especially when she was not used to make friends ever since she had been abandoned by the one who had promised to be always by her side. Empty words and fake promises, that was all what this kind of relationship was about for her. Until she had met Ellie. This pretty girl with big brown eyes and chestnut hair which cascaded down past her shoulders in soft waves. Her odd sense of humour and sarcastic tongue had immediately attracted Aileen's attention. She was her true soul mate who always seemed to know how to cheer her up, supported her dark moods and willingly participated on her occasional depressions.

"Oh come on, I know it's hard sometimes to put up with me. I'm glad you still do." Ellie confessed as she grabbed her own cup of tea and followed Aileen over to the couch.

Both the girls decided to occupy the opposite ends of the sofa with their legs tucked beneath themselves, slowly sipping their tea while facing each other. Another loud crash of a thunder almost shook the very house's foundations, making the young ladies curse and swear very unladylikely.

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