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Three: Night of the Knights


Days passed as the kingdom of Emerald began making preparations for the birthday ball dedicated to Yuuchiro and also the celebration of Green Eclipse. Many praised the young prince to be a God himself after the birth of he. There had to be a reason why the Eclipse was green when he was bored and many did ponder.

King Guren, however, did not know the reason either. Everything happened so suddenly that day he had yet to keep up. His son was truly more elusive than the Emerald jewel implanted in his eyes . Many, however, did not know that Yuuchiro was holder of the jewel and he himself didn't find himself to know. He simply assumed his green eyes came from his mother who he had yet to meet since she did die while giving birth to the young boy.

The only known humans who knew of the location of the precious jewel were Guren, Shinya, Mitsuba, and Mahiru herself for she was the one who implanted the broken Emerald into his eyes. Yuuchiro often questioned his father about where the jewel was and why it was so important to the humans. Guren wasn't one to answer such questions making him stay quiet or often hit the younglin on the head.

Day soon turned into afternoon as Shinya began preparing his white horse for a leave. He noticed his white tiger sleeping soundly on the floor of the horse's stable.

"You're going to need all the sleep you can possibly get, Byakkomaru," Shinya whispered, petting the giant cat.

As much as he hated doing such grand favors for Guren, he knew this would be worth it. This favor, he could've certainly declined.

But he loved Yuuchirou deeply as if he were his own son. He basically raised the young boy. Though they hardly talked anymore reason being that Yuuchiro and he had different schedules and often were busy. Shinya sighed as he turned back around to gather his horse up.

"Where you heading to?" A voice called out. Shinya gasped, catching himself before falling due to the massive startle. 'Twas the prince himself, looking beautiful as ever in the landing sun. He could've scowled at the raven haired boy for being so improper to his elder and talking so savage like the commoners though, he let it slide seeing that it had been a while since the two were alone together.

"M'lord, you almost startled me," Shinya replied. Yuuchiro blinked looking at the horse.

"Not almost, I did. Now I'd like to know where you're going days before my birthday celebration, Sir Shinya," Yuuchiro explained. Shinya smiled. He was still so small and quite adorable looking. The prince had grown in height though still resembled the face of a child. And he loved every bit of it. He matured nothing like his father did during his teenage years. Yuuchiro's voice was still high pitched and childish like. Nothing change.

"Ssssh, such a quiet boy is finally using that strident, falsetto, voice of his? Yet, such strong, bold words. I'm impressed, I do have hope for the future king," Shinya chuckled. Yuuchiro furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. The man was certainly hiding something from him and he didn't like it one bit.

"Enough cavort, Sir Shinya, do not muck around with me and expect me to not become indignant with you, now tell me where you are to go off to," Yuuchiro answered. Shinya couldn't think straight. If he really told him, the surprise would for sure be ruined and cause the prince distress just thinking about his knights risking their lives just to claim a birthday present for his sixteenth birthday.

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