Chapter One

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I wake up on the cold side of my bed. My left leg is hanging off the edge and the thin blanket covers half of it. My eyes open and they catch the sunlight that blinds me for a second. I cover my eyes to provide shade and sit upright.

I look around. Same old room. Same cold wood floors and dark grey dry walls. Same view of the old wooden dresser that sits next to the door to my bathroom. An antique passed down from my grandmother to me. The only thing of hers that is still standing strong. Every day I wake, I see it. Strong and sturdy. It gives me hope and purpose. As long as it holds together, so do I. And then, I know my grandmother is watching over me. She's still looking out for me.

I wipe the tear off my warm cheek and walk towards the mirror over the dresser. I stare at my reflection. My long dark hair is tied back, so my whole face is in clear view. I don't see beauty.  I see what looks like a pale, wearing ghost. I see emptiness. I see despair. But surpassing that, I see warmth and ambition. I see potential. I see it, but it never seems to flourish into something real. It's just concealed in a jar in my heart, waiting to be unlocked.

I guess I'm somewhat unveiled. Mostly at my academy. I act like I have a sparking purpose in my heart, because I believe that if you do something for long, it will become a part of you. So, I am outgoing. I talk to everyone. I continue to try to experience what it's like to be that type of person. I just don't know how to explain it thoroughly.  I guess I'm just different at school because one day, I feel like that personality will actually become who I am. That all the emptiness and despair I see in the mirror will just fade away. And then I don't have to pretend like the exact opposite. It's what I do now, but one day, it will be my vivid reality of color and charisma, which I long for.

I'm not exactly popular, but everyone just knows me. I'm friends with some, but everyone knows me as "Brigit". Typical Brigit. People see me for what I'm not. They think I don't have feelings. That I'm bubbly for no reason. Some people don't give a crap about me. I see them in the hallway, at various times. I wave and a smile and in return, I get a cold glare of judgement.

Instead of letting it get to me, I just respond with smiles and kindness. Yet, deep down, it still burns a whole in me. It makes me unsure of myself. It makes me evaluate my life and question my decisions. Then, I remind myself I'm overthinking the whole situation. I empower myself. You're a good person. You're kind and selfless. They're not worth it. You are worth more.

I stop staring at myself in the mirror when I realize I was daydreaming for too long. I blink and step away. Looking at myself makes me feel so jaded and impassive. I walk towards the bathroom door and walk through. Before I close the door, I turn and look at the clock just to make sure I'm not late. And I'm not I sigh with relief, close the door, and get ready for school.

The place where I live is called Octrivia. It is a big nation on Mars. It was formed on Mars over 300 years ago in the 26th century when life started to be supported on other planets. I don't really know much about the history of Octrivia. I don't really pay attention in history class. All I know is that the Octrivians were at war with Earth, with is a forbidden planet that they are enemies with. I don't really know much of that either, mostly because I really don't care about it.

Here in Octrivia, I am in Tribe 15. The tribes are all classified according to their wealth. Tribe 1 being the poorest and Tribe 20, the richest. My tribe isn't that poor, but many people struggle economically. Just like my family.

My mother works as an accountant. She doesn't get payed very much, but it favors us just fine. The women of Octrivia aren't allowed to choose their jobs. They take an assessment, similar to an aptitude test, and the government officials pick for them. It's usually based on education and ethic. Men of Octrivia over the age of 21 get to start choosing their own jobs. My father chose to be an architect. He basically designs the Octrivian buildings and he also helps construct them too. He designed over thirty skyscrapers. His salary is what landed us in Tribe 16. If it was just my mother, we'd be in Tribe 8 or 7.

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