Bad News

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True to his word,Evan woke him up early in the morning and made him work to his bone.The boy scrubbed the dishes,cleaned the stables,watered the horses but the innkeeper still found more work.

As he was bringing in some hay for the horses, the innkeepers wife, Ryuki who had finally woken up after the​ night's sleep announced that breakfast was ready.

She was totally unrecognizable. She mothered over everyone in inn with a firm hand. Sinyk had assumed her to be a frail woman but to his surprise she single handedly worked the kitchens.

By the time the sun rose, the inn was already full of customers,who had most certainly followed the delicious aroma.As he sat eating porridge on the counter,he watched the innkeeper at work. The tavern was buzzing with idle chatter.

"Can I ask you something?",he asked.
"Hmm?", the innkeeper said without looking up from cleaning the mugs with the dirty rag.

"You don't seem to be doing so badly.Why were you driving that rickety cart and wearing such ragged clothes?"

The man's​ eyes twinkled as he answered,"It's traveler's first rule. What you show is what you have.IT helps avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Sinyk thought about that. It was a valid point. He had already been wearing such clothes,so he hadn't considered it. He noted it down for when he became rich.

"Give me the usual",a voice next to him growled bringing him out of his contemplation.The owner of the voice was an old man with silver hair and a wooden leg. If he was not wearing his soldiers uniform,Sinyk would have guessed the man to be a pirate with his irritable and rude manner.

Evan raised an eyebrow,"Tut-tut,So early in the morning,John?"

The man sighed,"I have to,Evan. They have had me working all night. My mind would blow off if I don't get some ale."

"All night?Why?", the innkeeper asked curious.

The man gave wolfish grin,"Uh uh.I will tell you if you fill up my cup."

Evan seemed taken aback but after a moment he roared with laughter,"Thank heavens,John,you became a soldier. If you had become a business man we would all be running naked in the forest."

John chuckled at the comment. After offering the old man a brimming cup, he tried again.

"So tell me what's gotten you working all night? Usually you don't even work at daytime."

John spilled most of the ale on his tunic but smacked his lips when the mug was empty.

"Three people have gone missing.Last night's latest victim was a farmer's little girl."

Evan thought about it,"Farmer's daughter,you say?Maybe it was some wild animal.It's not that uncommon for some wild cat know"

"That's just it.She vanished without any trace.No blood,no clue,nothing,as if into thin air.",he drowned another cup before continuing,"The other two were from the eastern section.We had thought it might be the work of cutthroats or something but the girl's disappearance has gotten me thinking."

Synik was so focused on the conversation that he did not notice the porridge from the spoon dripping in his lap.He jumped at the sudden feeling of heat.His face flushed as he cleaned his pants.The captain looked at him and his eyes narrowed as it fell on Sinyk.

"And who might you be boy? Never seen you around.",he demanded.

Before Sinyk could answer, the innkeeper butted in,"Oh. How rude of me.John,this is Sinyk,here seeking admission in the royal institute. Sinyk,this is Jonathan Mers, the Captain of the city guard."

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