Chapter Seven

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"Did you hear what happened? Jason and Elizabeth had sex"

"Ew, why would he go after her? She's not hot at all."

Elizabeth heard the whispers in the halls with her heightened hearing and she tried not to let it bug her, even though it hurt a lot. She had to face Jason in school the next day, and apparently a rumor spread like wildfire that the two of them had done 'it'. Elizabeth knew that it was a lie. What she didn't know was who started the rumor.

"Hey Lizzie, how was your date?" Lila asked, approaching Elizabeth at her locker.

And then, Elizabeth knew that it was Lila who spread the rumor. The blonde girl had betrayed Elizabeth as well. Lila was never her friend.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" A voice broke Elizabeth out of her flashback.

"Hmm?" She muttered and looked up from her seat at the table in the cafeteria.

A blonde haired boy stood in front of her with his food tray, a look of genuine curiosity in his green eyes.

" probably shouldn't," Elizabeth told him.

"How come?" He asked.

She gestured for him to look over at the table across from the cafeteria. Lila and her friends were looking at the two. It was a good thing that Jason started high school this year. Elizabeth wanted to punch him in the face every time she saw him.

"You seem harmless," The boy said and sat down across from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth sighed. Great...some new boy in grade nine was trying to get to know her. Lila probably set him up for it. Elizabeth stood up and shot daggers at Lila with her dark eyes.

"Nice try, bitch!" Elizabeth yelled at Lila.

Lila just looked at Elizabeth, wondering what she was yelling about. But she ignored her, as did everyone else in the cafeteria. That's all the kids in her grade did. Everyone in grade nine, who were also around last year, kept Elizabeth out of their circles. They had closed her off. Elizabeth didn't even care anymore. She was done with everyone in her grade.

Sitting back down, Elizabeth ignored the boy sitting across from her and she stabbed her salad with her fork. Her mom was trying to get Elizabeth to go on a diet. Ever since last year and the experience that happened with Jason, Elizabeth had put on weight and her parents had grown concerned.

"Elizabeth, we're worried about you," Albert told her.

"Why?" Elizabeth asked.

"Sweetie, you've put on five pounds," Barbara pointed out.

"So what? It's not like anyone cares about how I look," Elizabeth replied with a tone of bitterness in her voice.

"Elizabeth Jane Striker, don't use that tone with your mother!" Albert scolded.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, but from now on, you can't have any junk food," Barbara told her daughter.

"I'm Rhys Brookland," The boy across from her spoke up.

"Rice?" Elizabeth asked, not sure if she heard him.

" a Reese piece," He explained.

Reese reminded her of chocolate...something else that she wasn't allowed to eat anymore.

"That's a weird name. Did your mom have chocolate on the brain when she gave birth to you?" Elizabeth asked, her tone low and somewhat rude.

Rhys laughed.

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