Chapter 1

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"Dad, breakfast is ready!" I yelled from the kitchen. I was cooking his favorite. Bacon, eggs, and cheesy grits. Now a days thats usually how it goes. I get up and cook breakfast then I head out to do pack work. Most days I come back in time to cook dinner, but if not I'll get takeout from my dad's favorite restaurant. Mikey's. He and my mom used to go there every now and then before she was killed. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice my dad come in and sit at table. "Oh, hey dad." I say to him. He's been really depressed. Sometimes I'll come home from pack work to find him sitting on the couch staring at a blank tv. I don't even remember the last time he's been outside. I've tried to get him to just get out and go for a run to let his wolf out, but he just rejected my offer and went to his room locking me out. He a looks up at me with a small sad smile that doesn't reach his eyes." Hey sweetie. Looks good." He says gesturing to the food I sat in front of him on the table. His smile faulters and he just stares down at his plate. " Dad? What's wrong?" I question him. He's always telling me to not worry about him, but I can't help it. He just seems so dãmñ sad and helpless. He's my father. It's my job to worry. He slowly looks back to me with no emotion at all. " Sweetie we need to talk. About you finding your mate. You've been of age for a while now and I think its time we find him. Plus this pack needs an Alpha and Luna. We've grown weak after loosing your mother. We're already been having trouble with handling rogues. You know you need him too." He stated. Dåmñit I've been dreading this day. I don't want a mate. I don't need a mate. If I find him I'll reject him. My father knows I don't want a mate. "Dad. You know I don't want a mate. The pack will be fine. I'll take care of everything. I promise you I can do this on my own. We can train harder. Add more patroll times and more guards. We still have offers from other wolves wanting join the pack. I can accept them. Maybe they could help us with new strategy and training the pups." I  complied. "Alli, we've talked about this already. The pack will not survive much longer if we do not act now. Your mate is the only way for us to survive. The pack is dieing out. Rouges have been attacking more and we need to find out why. I've lost your mother to rogues. I'm not going to loose you too. I'm arranging a party for you finding your mate." He replied. "Dad I..." I started before my dad would let me finish. "No alliana! This is not up for discussion. The party is going to happen and you are going to attend to find by all means find your mate! I've made arrangements. The party is Saturday night." He states in his alpha voice. His expression changes for a the slightest second then he turns back cold. " You have to do this for the sake of the lack Alli. For me. I need to see my little girl happy. Please try. Promise me you will try?" He said with a sad smile. I thought about it. Maybe he's right. Maybe I need to do this. It doesn't matter what I want or need. I am going to do this for the pack. "I'll do it dad. For the pack." I said feeling suddenly nervous about this whole party thing and meeting my mate. My dad was happy with my decision. I've never seen him smile so big since mom was here. We finished our breakfast and left each other to do our daily routines. Mine was more pack work. Oh what a day...

*Thank you for reading and please vote!!! Love you my lovelys!

What do you think will happen at the party? Do you think they will meet? Will alliana reject him like she wanted or will she do it for the pack? I guess you will just have to wait and see...

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