#AskAmy Novel is out!

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Hello again!

It's been a while. This book has been complete for 3 years now, and I'm already planning out my third multimedia - this time an LGBT romance (stay tuned!) 

However, today I come to tell you that the novel version of AskAmy is out! It is currently on my profile under the same name. It does NOT have the same ending or even the same characters. It takes the premise of AskAmy, an anonymous advice website getting hacked and runs with it.

This is a murder-thriller. It's very dark, a ton of twists and turns and I am very excited to share it with you! If you liked the multimedia version, I believe you will hopefully like this one too!

 It's very dark, a ton of twists and turns and I am very excited to share it with you! If you liked the multimedia version, I believe you will hopefully like this one too!

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Erin's search for why her best friend Amy died takes a strange turn when her advice website Ask Amy gets hacked. And with everyone's anonymous questions now having their names beside them, the hacker on the other side of the screen is ready to let out some deadly secrets.


Also stay tuned in the next part because I am going to break down and explain how I make multimedia stories and what I recommend for those that are curious or want to try making them!

- Ellie x

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