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MontanaGreen@gmail.com: Amy, I have a huge problem. I really like this guy and I'm pretty good friends with him. But that's all he thinks we are, friends! And one of my best friends wants me to put a good word in for her because she likes him. And he's already mentioned in passing that he's interested in her! I don't want to say good things about her so they'll date. I want him to like me. What do I tell him to make sure he doesn't end up dating my friend?

Add.y@askamy.com: oh honey, it's totally easy! Just make it out like she's super clingy. Tell him that she stalked an ex of hers and she goes through major breakdowns when she gets dumped. Make him scared of dating a crazy girl, works a charm. And a beautiful girl like you will get him no problem.

MontanaGreen@gmail.com: Amy, your advice was perfect! I told the guy I like that my friend is super clingy and made up this story about a past ex, the guy literally ran a mile...we're having lunch this week ;) you're the best!

Add.y@askamy.com: I aim to please. ;)

            ---> comments (1)
                    LouiseH99@hotmail.com: You fucking bitch.
                    - just now

                    - just now

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