Part 4: Insomnia

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Elizabeth's face lightened up before she slowly looked at me. "Don't say that, you are lying." Her eyes got glossy again and I broke a little inside. "Elizabeth.." I held my hand to her cheek before leaning closer to her, my lips pecked hers, her perfect rose coloured lips. She didn't do anything, she didn't pull away, she even pressed hers back onto mine when I tried to gasp for a little air. We kissed for a bit until she pulled back, with her hands cupped around my cheeks. "I..I meant that." I whispered which made both her and me giggle. "Let's go back, no tears anymore okay?" I asked to which Elizabeth nodded. She helped me up and held onto my hands before snapping her fingers to appear back in the lobby.

I landed on my feet and tumbled next to her on the ground. Elizabeth chuckled softly before giving me a hand and got me back up upon my feet. "You'll get used to that once you do it more frequently." She said in a hushed tone before holding my hand and kissing it. "Let's go somewhere quiet alright?" Elizabeth grinned before guiding me into the elevator with her. "I meant that too." She smiled as the doors closed. We went up to the third floor, Elizabeth took my hands again and walked me down the corridor and suddenly stopped. "Why did we stop?" I asked softly before she turned around to me, she didn't awnser but just knocked on the wall twice to make to slide to the side. "Wait wha-" "I will show you my room." Elizabeth walked in the white futuristic room with screens on all the walls of the room. I slowly stepped in before the wall shut again.

"This is the gaming room, (Y/N), nothing special really, only that my sweetness stays here." Elizabeth walks around the oval room before hearing soft footsteps and a giggle. "Mommy! Mommy, you're here!" I frowned slightly. She didn't look like a woman with children at all to me. "Oh hi Holden, (Y/N) meet holden, my son." I smiled softly before walking up to them. "Hello Holden, nice to meet you." Holden looked at me, his smile changed to an emotionless stare. "Did i say something-" I asked softly before I got cut off by Elizabeth shaking her head. "No, no don't worry. He doesn't like meeting new people. He find's it hard to communicate." She whispers before petting Holden over his hair. I nodded understandingly before tilting my head. "This is nice but..could you show me more? Elizabeth?" I smirked and got a grin in return from her. "Of course, shall we?" She quickly toom my hand as Holden hopped back onto the couch to play his game again.

We walked through a door into a big room, barely lit with some candles and a bed in the middle of it. "Wow, this is amazing." I whuspeted with a chuckle, never have I ever seen a room this big for just one person. "Welcome to my place, this is my room, the best one yet." Elizabeth smiled back at me before walking around the bed and turning to me. "Come, sit." I nodded and did what she told me to, I walked up to her and sat down on the edge of the bed. My fingers ran over the silky edges of the covers, not only it felt soft, it also felt very expensive and I quickly took my filthy fingers off of it.

Elizabeth sat down next to me and pushed my jacket off of my shoulders before down my arms. "Don't worry, you won't ruin the sheets." It was like she could read my mind. "And if you did, I wouldn't mind at all. Now wouldn't it be better to take those dirty clothes off?" My heart skipped a beat for a moment, did she really say that? Could she really read my mind? I nodded carefully and that seemed to paint a dirty smirk onto her face. "Good, then I will be slipping into something more comfortable myself." Before I could ask she already turned the corner into another room.

I looked around myself before I started to unbuckle my belt and slipping off my shoes before the rest of my clothes. "I must be crazy." I mumbled to myself as I laid my clothes on a chair before sittinng back down on the bed. I pushed my hair back before laying on my back, until I heard soft footsteps. Soft and light clicking of heels coming my way, I looked to where the sound was coming from to see Elizabeth standing there looking down at me, barely any fabric on her body. I swallowed hard and I saw her smirk. "I see you got my hint." She said softly as I slowly sat up. "I guess I did.." I said softly before I almost choked on my own breath as I saw her coming closer, she placed her fingers on my collarbones and pushed me back down. I shivered which made her bite her lip, she slowly crawled over to hover above me. I locked eyes with her until I dared to put my hands to her cheeks. "This is what you wanted, right?" Elizabeth asked as she moved my hair out of my eyes with her gloved hand. "If it's what you want, then yes."

After a while of mindlessly touching, making out and skin to skin contact I looked deeply into her eyes as she hung above me again, her eyes darkened again and her lips softly brushed over mine. "You really are wonderful, Elizabeth. I can't imagine that people turn you down.." I whispered before I pushed myself up to share a short kiss. "That's because," she parted herself from me and sat up on my lower stomach. "That's because nobody that gets within ten feet of me survives." She whispered and her voice seemed to change, the sweet and softness dissapeard. Elizabeth held me down with hand on my chest and raised her gloved hand. "W..what?" I whispered and tried to remove her hand from my chest. My heartbeat sped up with every second passing and a sharp iron point appeared on the top of her finger with the flick of her wrist.

Elizabeth looked down at me with empty eyes, tears were welling up in mine as I begged with soundless whispers and the look in my eyes. "Elizabeth, don't do this."

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