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A/N : Thank you so much for getting this far to even consider my book! I promise you won't regret taking the punt! I appreciate that this is probably a wild stab in the dark in comparison the most Harry Potter fanfics, but I was sick of the same idea over and over again. Thus; Beauxbatons. ... :D

Since the information JK Rowling has provided on Beauxbatons Academie of Magic is limited (a paragraph on pottermore describing it as beautiful and potentially in the Pyrenees) I decided I was going to create something from scratch. I know someone has already created four houses for Beauxbatons, but the problem I found was - I just didn't like them. :s ...sorry :)

So I created Monet, Flamel and Nostradamus. Three is an odd number to choose, I know, but it's a different school from a different country after all.

I also decided to stick with French culture and create a school specifically for the older students. Coming from England myself, this is not going to be a perfect representation - but Hogwarts is a far cry from British education anyway so I think I can be forgiven 😂

Because of this, Beauxbattons Academie of Magic is only applicable for fifth to seventh year students (15-18 year olds), which means I created the concept of a "school des preparation". There are four of these; one in Paris, one in Belgium, one in Luxembourg and one in the Pyrenees itself. These schools are where the students would be taught magic until the July of their 15th year (the end of their fourth year at school). This would alow students to be taught magic and still be aloud to go home at weekends or even overnight if they wished and their parents didn't mind having a flu set up in their house. Then they would advance to Beauxbatons when their exam years started, only being aloud Home at holidays to give them the right environment to study for their exams properly and get the best results.

I created some aesthetics to help you get to know the houses and my characters - if you would rather skip this and go straight onto the story then be my guest! How ever you want to envisage everything is perfectly fine with me! But if you are daunted my the fact that so many new names will be thrown at you at once I hope these can help;

NOSTRADAMUS HOUSE - grey house colours.

Michel de Nostradamus was a seer from 1500's France, who predicted the rise of Hitler amongst many other things. He was considered a "loon" while he was alive but after his death his prophecies began to come true - so his name went down in history.

This house prizes witches and wizards who are ambitious and driven, they often believe "the ends justified the means" and can sometimes be regarded of as reckless and impulsive. However, the students in this house usually have quick perception of emotion, and tend to learn best through physical activity - they thrive in the emotional attachments they make to memories made through "doing" rather than learning in a classroom.
This house particularly favours boys, as they tend to naturally want to take more risks, because of this they are possibly the worst house for following school rules. This house's views on segregation are, and always have been, that it should be utterly demolished - to the point that they insist on both boys and girls sharing dormitories of ten (sticking charms and alarms are placed on each bed to ensure no fraternization with other students).Nostradamus house believes this gives the students ample responsibility, and tight knit relationships that will last them lifetimes.

Nostradamus house believes this gives the students ample responsibility, and tight knit relationships that will last them lifetimes

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