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harry wakes up to his phone ringing at ass o'clock in the morning on wednesday.

"huh?" he answers, voice full of sleep.

"harry!" louis yells.


"hazza, babe." louis says, "i need you to come over here. like now."

"what for?"

"i can't sleep, and i need carrots with ranch stat!"

harry groans. "lou, i have exams tomorrow."


"call one of the girls. perrie doesn't have classes tomorrow." he pleads. "please, louis. i'm sorry, i can't though. i have to sleep for these exams or i'll bomb them."

"oh." louis says quietly. "er, sure. sorry."

"s'fine." harry says softly. "g'night, lou. talk tomorrow, yeah?"

louis doesn't say yeah, and that should be harry's first clue. "bye." then he hangs up, and harry goes back to sleep.


the exam goes alright, harry knows he failed the open ended response he had to give, but he's pretty sure the multiple choice won't be less than a b.

he's walking out of his class alone, when he feels his phone vibrate.

'from: pezza
what a dick move!'

'to: pezza

he hits send, and shoves his phone in his pocket, and begins his short walk to the coffee stand by the garden.

'from: pezza
you know! last night, w/ louis. he's rlly upset about it! i brought him his carrots and ranch, but he was upset. and when i asked him about it, he just shrugged, and said 'just wanted haz', and gave me this god-awful watery smile.'

'to: pezza

he orders his chocolate caramel chip frap, and goes over to one of stone tables.

'from: pezza
you're an asshole! what's your issue??'

'to: pezza
nothing. i'm tired, and someone called me at like 2 am!'

he hits send, and huffs, and pulls out his lit. textbook, and starts highlighting vocab, until his phone begins ringing.

"what?!" he answers.

"why are you being asshole-y?!" perrie yells.

"'cause i just had a huge exam, and i probably failed the open ended, and i'm just in a pissy mood!"

perrie huffs on the other end, "well get over it, and go see him."

"i have homework."

"do it at louis' flat."


"why are you being so mean about it?!" perrie yells. "he skipped his classes today, because he was so upset. he's made himself sick from crying."

"why's he even upset?"

"because, harry, you're being mean about it, and he's pregnant with your baby! and he's hormonal, and he just wanted you to come over and help him fall asleep!"

harry huffs. "i'll be over in twenty."

"good." she hangs up.

he packs up his things, and goes to the dollar store to pick up gummy bears, cool ranch doritos, dill pickle pringles, and twizzlers for louis, before he heads to louis' apartment building. he grabs his bag, and the grocery bag, before locking the car and hopping in the elevator to get to louis' floor.

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