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"what're we watching tonight, babes?" louis asks as he twirls the wii remote on the string.

"um, i think we're on the ninth episode of season one of pretty little liars?" jade says.

louis nods, "okay, episode nine of pretty little liars. any other suggestions?"

"the lying game! i wanted to start that a while ago!" perrie calls out, from her position on the recliner.

"we should start the office." zayn calls out.

"noooo." liam says. "i finished that a while ago."

zayn gives him a faux shocked look. "asshole! that was on the 'watch together list'!"

liam shrugs and eats another egg roll. "i got bored and i couldn't find anything else. you all should watch it though. it's gold."

zayn huffs.

"okay, we're watching pretty little liars." jade announces, getting off her spot on the beanbag and snatching the remote from louis.

he pouts. "rude." he props his feet on the coffee table, and looks at his protruding tummy. "hi, bean." he whispers, before dragging a hand over his belly. "did you like dinner?"

zayn looks over at him. "are you talking to yourself, mate?"

harry rolls his eyes. "shut up, he's talking to the baby."

louis blushes and drops his hands. "no, 'm not."

"keep talking to her if you'd like." harry says, pushing his hands on his belly. "s'okay. hi, baby bear." he says quietly.

louis hesitantly places his hands on another part of his belly. "did... did you like dinner?"

harry rubs his stomach. "papa did. i think daddy did to. and daddy doesn't seem uncomfortable, so 'm sure you liked it to. you being a good baby in there?"

"such a good baby." louis says. "most the time."

"you're gonna be our little princess, yeah, baby banana?"

louis huffs, "no, our prince. s'a boy, i swear."

"we find out soon."

"you'll be here in 'bout five and a half months." louis sighs. "oh, wow. we've got a lot to do. gotta paint the nursery. get a crib. officially name you."

harry hums, "thought we were calling banana mason if it's a boy?"

louis looks up at him through his eyelashes. "you... like it?"

"yeah." harry says. "mason edward styles?"

"mason. edward. styles." louis says slowly. then nods. "okay. hi, mase."

"or masette."

louis snorts. "ma-"

he's cut off by perrie. "okay, what the actual fuck."

louis looks up, and sees all of them staring at him. "uh... what?"

niall laughs. "i don't get why the hell you're not married already?"


at two in the morning, louis wakes up to flutters.

his eyes slowly open, and he looks around. he's in bed, which he knows is not where he fell asleep. harry's next to him, pillow covering his head, soft snores coming from there.

he sits up, rubs his eyes, and the flutters are back. it feels like bubbles popping in his stomach. the sort of kind of like the bubbles he gets when harry calls him beautiful or tells him he's so amazing for carrying their baby. but these are different. they're stronger. more real.

then it hits him.

"harry!" he squeals loudly, hitting harry on the arm hard. "harry, wake up!"


"wake up!" louis yells.

"what's wrong?" he mumbles.

"baby!" he squeals.

"what about 'er?"

"he's moving!"

harry shoots up, and frantically presses his hands to the baby bump. then frowns. "i..."

"s'not kicking, just flutters."

louis' got the biggest smile on his face, and harry can't feel upset, because whoa. their baby fluttered, and if that's not huge, harry doesn't know what is. "feel weird?" he hums.

louis nods, "bab-"

jade and perrie burst through the door, with the rest of the gang behind them sleepy eyed and hair everywhere. "WHAT?" perrie screams.

"oh. sorry." louis blushes.

"what's wrong?!"

"nothing, i... the baby's fluttering!"

"what?!" jade climbs on the bed, perrie and leigh-anne behind her.

"see what you've done?" harry groans.

jade scrambles to get closer to him, and presses his hand to his stomach.

"hey! careful with 'im!" harry says, and louis knows how harry feels about other people touching his tummy, and the fact he's not chewing her out is pretty amazing.

"i am!" jade yells.

"you're not gonna be able to feel it, but he is. he's still moving."

jade pouts, and rolls over so she's on the edge of the bed.

"you've attracted the leeches!" harry cries as niall dives on top of him.

"oh, hush, you love us!"


a/n: quick update before i take a quick nap (because i'm on a 4 hr. bus ride to a different state to go to an amusement park for the weekend say wha). i don't really like this chapter so if you don't too i get it, lollll! i'll try to update sometime tomorrow -h.x

ps: sorry for the long a/n and short chapter /.\

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