Another happy story

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There was also another time when my dad and I would go to a little corner store, he would let me pick out a candy and drink. I always chose the fake chew and a blue-raspberry bug juice, there was always this one cashier she was my favorite I don't remember her name but she had blond hair that stopped mid back, and sparkling blue eyes that I always wanted. The cashier was still in high school that was the cool thing she wasn't an old and mean person that would scare little kids. It was a sunny day when we went to the little store and I was wearing my brothers old boxers that used to be my dads as shorts. They were scooby doo. She had said that she had loved my shorts and asked if she could borrow them. Then i didn't get why my dad was laughing but know I quite understand.

It's those kind of memories that makes me wish thing were like the old times when my parents were happily married and they still got along... And most of all if they were still married we would have never met the man who changed our life's forever both mentally and phsyically...


sorry but that's all I'm putting up right now I haven't been feeling well so... Yea imma put more up tomorrow but don't hold me to that promise.


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