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We had put up with a good 3 years? With bill until my mom didn't got the nerve to leave him, she waited until he was at work and we didnt pack much just the main necessities some clothes baby stuff(diapers baby clothes food ECt) and we took some money and food. We left, we hid in a nursing home and we had a van come pick us up for school. Bill had burned down the house we were living in to make sure we weren't still inside, its not like he even took anything out either. So we lost a lot of things. Saying my mom was scarred would be an understatement. Everytime my mom would get hit she would take a picture for evidence, they went to court I'm pretty sure bill went to jail,but I'm not sure I was only 8 or 9 at the time. They got divorced and bill was still aloud to see Steve and Joe but that didn't really happen now did it nope. We were on our own for a while my aunt let us live with her until thy bought us a house. We were doing pretty well except for the fact my mom had boyfriend after boyfriend, and that makes her sound slutty but really she wasn't isnt a slut. She just wanted to find 'the one'. She went from dating site to dating site until she finally stopped at scott...


I promise I'll update tomorrow since were on break right now I'm sorry I havent updated lately I just didn't know if I should have continued or not...


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