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Words: 397

                 7. You're starting to think that the demon in your life might not be you.

                You've been in a relationship for three years now, and it would be nice, and you would be celebrating, but. The thing is, they've been doing stuff that you're not exactly comfortable with, and you find yourself googling stuff at three in the morning, reading articles and not accepting answers, and falling asleep on a broken heart and hoping it heals before you meet them tomorrow.

"What is an abusive relationship?"

            They don't let you go out much without them, and at first you thought it was reasonable, but for once you just want to hang out with your friends without them tailing you, and for once you want to talk to people and not get questioned relentlessly about who they were once you got home. You just want to have human contact with anyone else without getting your phone confiscated. You're beginning to think that maybe they're wrong. Maybe your claims aren't unfounded.                         

"Mom, is this too controlling?" 

                    They're coming over later, and maybe you should break up with them. All your friends and your mom and even fucking Google said that this was not okay. This had gone on too long. You do not deserve this. Of course, you haven't had much outside contact from anyone at all, except for their friends. And you're tired, because every friend you have is a threat and every friend they have must be an angel who would do nothing wrong, and maybe your mom's right. Maybe it's time to leave.

"Or am I just overreacting?"

                            But you're scared, and they mean well, you know. It's becoming too much but they say they love you. They say that you're broken and faulty and ugly and they're practically perfect (and boy, do they enjoy saying that) and how they still love you despite all of those. They put up with you when you can barely put up with yourself, maybe you should just put up with them? You just don't know anymore. Maybe you're the toxic one in the relationship.

"Should I leave them?"

                                  Well, it is your three year anniversary tomorrow. Maybe you should just put it off until next week.

"Okay mom, I will. Tomorrow."

                                       The tomorrow rides bright on the sun rising through your windowpane, and you think about promises and angels and demons in disguise.

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