Don't lie.

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It was the middle of the night when I woke up.
I was drenched in a cold sweat but my body temperature was above average. I must have had a bad dream. Something black  flashed past and I looked around my blue bedroom. There was a tall dark figure standing at the foot of my bed. Just staring. Looking at me in fascination. I could see it's features, the darkness hid them like a cloak. I panicked, my heart skipped a beat and went in my throat. I couldn't move or speak. I tried to scream but all that came out was a sharp choke of air.

I regained the ability to speak and breathe and move but I had a weird feeling. For some unknown reason I wanted to speak to the being. It's calm sense that was dragging me in.
"Hello?" I called softly.

There was no answer

"Hellooooooooooooo?!" I whispered , " Can you hear me?"
"Yes," it nodded. It was a soft female voice that had a edge as sharp as a knife. The "female" part surprised me, then again, I'm not on to assume people's genders.
"I know what you are thinking," it said in a voice that made me uncomfortable but fascinated all the same, "You are wondering who I am."
"Yes, I was actually," I said lying.
"Don't lie to me, you were assuming my gender, then saying you weren't the type of person to assume someone's gender." It spoke in a harsh, chilling voice.
"Yes sorry, who are you? How did you read my mind? What happens if I lie again?" I thought out loud since I now know it can read my thoughts.
"Its fine, I'm nobody, I am dead so I can see all kinds of stuff and if you lie again, I will kill you. Now my turns to ask questions. Why do you lie? What do you think of me? Am I pretty?" It spoke calmly.

I thought about this and told it I can't see it's face so can you remove the hood. It agreed. And slowly lowered the black hood revelling a horrible sight. Her face was pale with a green tint, her eyes were black. They reflected her soul. But her mouth....
Her mouth was cut into a bloody smile, the type of ones that make you shiver rather than laugh. It was horrifying.

"Am I pretty?" She asked against
"... yyes, bbeautiful," I stuttered in fear.
"LIAR!!" She screamed and revealed a knife as sharp as her voice. It went through my skull like a finger would do butter. The next morning I was found dead with blood covering the walls. The case was closed in two weeks. They said I committed suicide. They lied. She will get them easily.

I'm telling you this to warn you. If you tell a big lie, she will come at 12:00pm and stand there. If you make no contact she will leave you unharmed. If you lie, you die. Good luck and sweet dreams.

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