Welcome to hell

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I died. It was quick, painless, peaceful even. I felt my heart stop and the warmth left my body. I hated the feeling of falling after though, it's like going on a rollercoaster backwards and I hated it. I landed and I felt warm, it was a weird sensation but I liked it.
I didn't feel the same way when I opened my eyes. All around me was fire and dirt, sand as black as ink and lava spurting all over the place.

I saw something emerging from the deadly orange liquid, it had horns, wings and long claws attached to the human form. "Welcome to hell," the devil said.
"But I was a good person! Why am I here?!" I exclaimed, scared and frightened.
"They say my biggest trick was convincing you precious humans I didn't exist." He claimed.
"Was it?" I asked.
"No, my biggest trick was convincing you there was an alternative." he answered.

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