Rewinding For a new beginning

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Tears glistened on her cheeks, I've never seen someone so scared before. The doctor strolls in a politely asks me to wait in the waiting, while they run some tests. I do as asked.

If I knew her life would be on the line because of what we I would take it all back start over erase the bad memories fast word to the fights and skip over the tears.

Now let's rewind to where the trouble all began, it started on a Sunday afternoon the sun was shining the birds, chirping. Everything was just perfect or so it seemed....

I can't believe it! You!.... You out of all people who would e thought!"Yelled meara

" well since you are bringing it up out of the blue let's talk! Because you know talking seems to be what's missing here"Sighed Niall

Niall casually took a sear on the arm of the couch, while Meara vigorously paced back and forth

" I just don't understand why would he place me with you, what was he thinking"

" are you trying to tell me that you are falling out of love with me?! Really! 4 years we've been together four!"

Tears started welling up in mearas eyes, she still loved him so much that she fell even more in love with him everytime she gazed into those big baby blues.

Niall realized he hurt her, but he just couldn't quite grasp why she was so angry with.... Was it that special time of the month? No, no it can't be

" I never said that I don't love you, because I sure as hell do. Do you know what it's like to look at you and try just try to figure out what youre thinking at that very moment because there are days where I look at you and you stare right back but you aren't there mentally what I want- what I need to know is where have you been drifting off to?"

" are we really having this conversation again?"moped Niall

" because let me just say that if you think I'm cheating you are so very very wrong. Why would I cheat on you? That would be like throwing a diamond in the dust and replacing it with a rock"

Niall rose and walked toasted the teary eyed meara he wrapped his fan muscular arms around her and held on to her tight. His shirt now soaked in her tears, meara slowly started to mumble something. The tears started to pour out harder as she spoke Niall could only make out small clips of what she was saying. Once he comprehended what meara had just said he dropped his arms his mouth dropped open as he slowly backed away only to see the horrified look on mearas face. Niall sat down on the couch and laid his face into the palms of his hands tears started to form

" how how is this possible it can't be"

Niall was in denial how could've this happened we've been so careful this is t supposed to happen why why did this happen frustrated Niall ran out ofthe house. His mind was just everywhere but he knew where his destination was, his dad. The dad that left Niall and his mother when he was only 8 months. The dadthat came back and abused nialls mom Both physically and mentally the father who never answered the phone who never wrote back, the dad that formed Niall into who he is today, broken, confused, angry.

Rewinding For a new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now