Ch4. Friends or Enemy's?

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~Next Day~
I woke up and went to the academy I can't be late today "hey emiko lets do pranks" izumi said "no thanks bye" I kept running is she trying to make me look bad she hates me I dont care so do I enemys right? I guess so academy here I come as usual someone gets in trouble in our class that's nice really I would not laugh because its not funny at all it's stupid no offense I went and took my seat someone kept throwing paper at me if that person throws one more I swear "WHO EVER THROWING ME PAPER STOP IT CANT YOU JUST SAY MY NAME IF YOU NEED ME GOSH!!!" everyone stared at me so I put my head down thats so embarrassing I know that was there plan well I don't care at all they can make me look like a fool but when I find out who it is they will wish they were never born "class dismissed" I left walking to Itachi's house but needed to walk to my home and grab items
~Hours Later~
I managed to get all the stuff in this house now to get all these things over to my new home "summoning jutsu" I summoned my wolf and tied my stuff to him and he carried them while I carried the rest okay no one one home right now that means itachi over there im going after I leave my stuff "oh emiko your here you can leave your stuff in the room I've given you" I nodded and put them down "im going where you told me to go" I told mikoto and ran out hopefully not late I ran super fast as I could or it could be too late please hopefully not late I cant be or I'll never forgive myself yes I made it okay I see him "I wish emiko would forgive me" Itachi said by the water "of course I forgive you Tachi!" "really?! and seriously we back with that nickname again" "yes I guess tachi" "whatever emiko you should head home" "you mean the same house as you?" "what do you mean" "I LIVE SAME HOUSE AS YOU BAKA I was there yesterday " "ohhh makes sense now that were friends again I have a question do you still wear that necklace from when we were kids?" "we still are kids and yes I do look" I took it out of my shirt and showed him and turned it over it said tachi "oh I still do too look" he turned "yay now lets race back home because I have to organize" "well lets get there faster" he kneed down no way no he is no me giving me piggy back ride I remember he did that so much as kids "fine" I got on and he sure ran fast because we got there fast "I see you friends again" I heard her say I nodded and gave her a smile "PUT ME DOWN NOW BAKA" he put me down I ran upstairs to the room and organized it and then lastly I put a picture of my parents and me on top of a night stand I miss them so much I began to cry I can't forget them its hard that stupid mission that they went to why could I not be allowed to go now there gone because of me I sobbed quietly *knock knock* "come in....." it was sasuke "why you crying?" "oh its nothing...." "it is something let me go get itachi" he ran screaming itachi's name and also screaming that I was crying he came running to my room "you okay what's wrong sasu-" "its nothing really just the usual you know that....."I put my head down and he closed the door behind him "look they died for a reason and you know if you went in that mission they would protect you now smile cheer up" I weakly smiled at him "see better" he was exiting my room "wait itachi can you sleep here please I don't like feeling lonely..."he just gave me a nod and layed next to me "hey emiko?....." I turned around looking at him "yeah...?" "we didn't break that promise?" "no because I never said we weren't friends silly" "oh ok then.." "now go to sleep" I closed my eyes last things I felt him hugging me and also heard "I love you Emiko.." did he say he loved me..? Made me feel more happy inside and knew I was never going to be alone again thank you for Sasuke for leading me back here that kid is sure going to be the greatest in the Uchiha clan


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