The Isle

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Daisy's P.O.V.

"Jay, watch it!"I yell as Jay jumps on to a weak roof.His foot went through and he fell making Mal, Carlos, and Evie laugh but I went over and pulled him up.Jay normally doesn't let people help him but we've been friends since we were 3 and he knows that I'm stubborn.Once his foot was free we ran and caught up with the others.I nudged Jay when I noticed that the others were walking into a narrow walk way.He smirked and motioned for me to go up and he'll stay low.I used my parcor skills to get on top of one of the buildings to get in front of everyone.Jay signalled for me to jump down and he was starting to run up behind everyone.He started yelling like a manic which scared Carlos and Evie then I jumped down in front of them making all of them jump.

Mal was annoyed and Evie and Carlos were calming themselves down while Jay and I laughed. Evie slapped my arm lightly and Carlos punched Jays.We all continued on our way to our parents, well Evie, Mal, Carlos, and Jay's parents. I'm the daughter of Lefou, Gaston's sidekick.I'm not proud of who my father is because still to this day he goes on and on about how amazing Gaston is.Evie and everyone else's parents despise his presence but they love having me around.Evie's Mother, the Evil Queen, says that it's crazy how something so beautiful can come from something so horrid.As we arrived to Mal's house the people in the street made sure to steer clear of the five of us.I mean Mal being Maleficent's daughter sure helps with that.

Everyone is afraid of my friends but I'm not, I see who they really are.We all entered Mal's home and found our way to her mother's 'Lair'.When we entered the room the Evil Queen cheered."Evie.Oh my little Evilete in training.Where have you been?"She asks and motions for Evie to sit in the chair in front of her.Evie made her way to her mother but she grabbed my hand and brought me with her."Daisy and I were looking for some new jewelry for you mother."Evie says and the Queen looked at me for confirmation.I pulled a nice silver chained necklace with a red apple charm out of my pocket."I made the charm your majesty."I say and the Queen looked at it amazed."You have a great gift young one.Did you steal the materials?" The Queen asks and I nodded making her smile more."Fantastic."

The Evil Queen says and grabs the necklace.Evie smiled up at me making me smile slightly."Okay children I need to talk to all of you."Maleficent says from her chair in the front of the room.I helped Evie up and allowed her to walk in front of me while the others made their way to Maleficent. "You all know what tomorrow is right?"Maleficent asks and all of us nod.So Prince Ben, the son of Belle and her husband the Beast, has decided to bring a few villan kids to Auradon.Only Evie, Mal, Jay, and Carlos are going, sadly.Maleficent has this whole plan of having them steal Fairy Godmother's wand so she can take over the world. Evie is excited to go because she really wants to see what Auradon is like but she said that she wishes that I could go with them.Even though me, Jay, Mal, and Carlos have known each other longer, me and Evie are like inseperable.

We get along way better than everyone else in the group.I really want to go with them to Auradon, I'll get to stay with Evie and I'll get to prove myself to Maleficent and all of the other villans who believe that I'm just like my father.I felt someone nudge me which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Dais were you paying attention?"Mal says."Huh sorry I was just thinking about this gold chain I saw earlier today.I'm still upset I couldn't get to it." I say and Jay nods."Yeah it did look nice."He says and Mal roles her eyes."You guys can talk about stealing things later.We need you to work your magic Dais."Mal says and hands me one of her mom's ancient spell books.Apparently I'm the only one on this bloody Island that now's how to speak more than one language.I always have to read through Maleficent's spells and rewrite them all in a new book for Mal.

I took the book and an empty one that Jay stole from an old merchant and headed outside.I have this special place that I like to sit and relax in.It has a perfect view of the Isle and Auradon.I always come here to escape the kids who talk about me at school.Even though I have dangerous friends I still have ruthless bullies.I took a deep breath and started writing all the spells.When I got about 20 pages in I heard a crunching noise, like someone walking on a dirt road.I looked up and saw Evie making her way up to me."Evie?What are you doing?"I ask her and set my books aside."I'm leaving tomorrow.I want to spend as much time as I can with my best friend."Evie says making me smile.I hopped down a few ledges to meet Evie half way. "You're crazy for trying to climb up here with heels on."I say and Evie laughs.

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