Chapter 2

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(Luna is going down the stairs, trying to put a coat. Their parents notices her.)

Rita: Ehh... Where do you go, Luna?

Luna (lying): I go to hang out with my friends and I'm late.

Lynn Sr: Honey, it's 9:00 pm. Don't you think is too late?

Luna (a little anger): Never is late to be with the ones you love.

Rita: Alright. Take care, please. And don't come back home after 10:30 pm.

Luna: Yeah, Yeah. I know. Bye parents. (opens the front door and exits the house)

(Both Lynn Sr. and Rita look concerned about Luna. Meanwhile, in the second floor, Lincoln is talking with Luan in her room.)

Lincoln: I'm worried about Luna. She have been acted violent with us and recently she doesn't stay with us. Every day she has to go outside and never has time with us.

Luan: You have a point, Lincoln. She is not the same. Last week she kicked me out of our own room just to make a phone call. Another day she almost punched Lynn because she accidentally stumbled with her guitar in the garage. I don't know what's going on with her.

Lincoln (upset): I hope she's ok. She and me used to be close siblings.

Luan: Ahh, Linc. (walks to him and hugs him) Don't worry. I'm pretty sure she is ok. Maybe she has been too busy with the school and writing new songs. Being a rockstar can be stressful.

Lincoln (simles again): Maybe you're right, Luan. And besides, she is a good girl. I don't think she's doing something gruesome.

(In that moment, a cell phone vibrates on Luan's room.)

Lincoln: I think someone sent you a message.

Luan (looks to the phone): Ehh, this is not my phone. Is Luna's.

Lincoln: Oh no! She left her phone! Give to me. Maybe I can get her and give it before she leaves.

(Luan gives the phone to Lincoln. He's about to exit the room, when suddenly another message is sent to the phone. Lincoln can't resist the curiosity.)

Lincoln: Hmm. I ask myself who is sending those messages to Luna.

Luan: You shouldn't do that, Linc. Remember what happened when you check Lori's phone without permission.

Lincoln: I know. But Luna is not here right now. So, let's give a little look to this. You want it?

Luan: Hmm. Ok!

(So both of them check Luna's inbox. They find out that the messages are from Sam. They read the first message that says: "Hey, my love. Are you gonna come? :/ I'm waiting for you. Nobody is here, so we can be alone.")

Luan: Isn't her one of Luna's bandmates?

Lincoln: She is.

Luan: And why does she call her "my love"?

Lincoln: I don't know. Look! Here's another message from her.

(They read the second message that says: "Are you gonna give me a tongue kiss? That would be tasty! ^^ ;)". After reading the message, Lincoln and Luan get shocked and disgusted.)

Lincoln: Sibling meeting, now!


(Three minutes later, Lincoln, Luan, and all the rest of the sisters are together in Lori's and Leni's room.)

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