Chapter 5

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Richie: It's ok, Luna. It's ok...

Luna (gasping): No, it isn't. What am I going to do, Richie? My girlfriend left me. I thought she loved me. Now I'm alone and I don't know where to live. I can't pay the apartment's rent.

Richie: You can come to live with us in the church, until we find out a solution for this.

Luna: Ok... (dries her tears)

Richie: Come on. Let's get your belongings.

I was broken, and Richie was there to help me. So we came back to the church, with all my stuff, and I stayed on the same room where I woke up that day. I was so depressed and I couldn't get out of my mind why did Sam leave without looking for me first. It was painful.


(In Luna's room, she is sit on the bed, still crying but in silence. Richie comes in.)

Richie: How're you holding up?

Luna: A little good, I think.

Richie (sighs): Listen, if you need help, you can call me or some of my friends. We will help you.

Luna: Thanks, Richie. But right now I prefer to be alone, if you don't mind.

Richie: Ok. (leaves the room. He then walks to shepherd Jameson's office and talks with him.)

Jameson: How's she?

Richie (sighs): I don't really know. Shepherd, I don't know what can I do for her.

Jameson: Well. I think you know what to do in this moment. We are humans and humans commit mistakes, but the Lord doesn't.

Richie: You are right, Shepherd. I will do it.

Jameson: Go.

(And Richie exits the office and heads to his room. Then he kneels and starts to pray.)

Richie (with his eyes closed): Dear God. Please show me what can I do to help Luna. She is suffering from a painful moment, and I have no idea what to do. I beg you, Almighty God, that please help me. I can't do this without you. Thanks for listen to me and I know that you are going to help me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


(That night, at 8:00 pm, Richie comes to Luna's room after having dinner.)

Richie (knocks the door): Luna? Are you not going to have dinner?

(She doesn't respond.)

Richie: Are you awake? Luna?

(He puts his ear on the door, because he hears something. Inside the room, it sounds like sobs. Richie gets worried. The door is not locked, so he opens. When he enters, there're blood drops on the floor. It turns out that Luna cuts herself and now is about to kill herself with a cutter.)

Richie: Luna! What are you doing?!

Luna (desperate, with a hysteric face and blood running through her left arm): I don't deserve to live! I don't deserve it! (puts the cutter on her throat)

Richie (jumps over her): No, Luna! Don't do it! DON'T DO IT!

Luna: Let my die, Richie! No one loves me!

(Somehow, Richie manages to take the cutter away from Luna. The girl is desperate.)

Luna: NO! Let me die! Let me die!

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