2nd Meeting

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Their second meeting was when Frisk was 10.

His hair had grown out a bit more, and his red eyes were more intense.

He had felt a peculiar presence around each day he was out in the garden, but ignored it and refused to acknowledge it.

Then finally one day when he turned to walk back into the house after watering the plants, a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder. He opened his mouth to scream but that was covered.

He was spun around to meet familiar eyes.

Well. They used to be blue. They were a distinct red pink colour now.

Betty Kira stood before him, and he noticed that the orange streaks once present in her hair were now gone, and half her hair was now a faded pink instead of just streaks. It looked cute.

However seeing her in his garden keeping him from screaming was not nearly as cute.

He licked her hand and she withdrew with a look that said 'ick'. Frisk raised an eyebrow. "You're back, huh? You look different now.   More... Cool"

"Thanks" Betty said before casting a sour look sideways "it wasn't really my choice.." Frisk blinked at the comment in confusion. "Hm?"

"Nothing" she said quietly before beaming at him. "You're weird looking. I preferred your hair when it was short"

Frisk tugged at his hair self consciously before pouting and jerking a thumb to his house. "Wanna come in?"

"Sure, i'd love t-" Betty paused when a ringing noise sounded out. Her face cutely scrunched (Frisk blushed) before she stomped on the ground with an annoyed look. "Sorry, gotta go. My mother's calling" and just like that, she was gone.

Frisk reached after her, but could only grasp at thin air.

Are You My Savior? - Glitchtale - Betty X Frisk Where stories live. Discover now