I am Like a Snail

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I am like a snail in this thousand miles race

Running till with my last breath to see your face

In a world full of endless cycle of pain

I’ll prove I am worthy for you, I am your gain

I am a dust that longs to be inhale

To live in your universe we will sail

No unreasonable expectation

Only unconditional love is my narration

Your season of spring entwines with yesterday

Coldness drizzles in your daily day

And I will wait that your world ignites

Hoping that your stars sparkle at night

I am like a snail in this thousand miles race

Running till with my last breath to see your face

To lose my hope for you will be my greatest disgrace

To be with you dancing in the rain is my place

Ang Tula Ng Garapata (Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon