Aria vs Sera

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Yami, Joey and I went our separate ways after promising we would all be careful. I grabbed my Crystal before looking up at the sky. Seraphina, I hope your guiding me as well as keeping Joey, Yami, and Yugi safe. Marik, I swear to god, if you hurt my friends or Yami I will hurt you so bad you'll be wishing it was you in the Shadow Realm instead of your father.
"Hey, you!" I heard. I turned to find a girl with light green eyes and short black hair. I raised an eyebrow.
"Can I help you?" I asked crossing my arms.
"Maybe. Are you Sera Kaiba?" She asked me.
"Who wants to know?" I asked her.
"The names Aria Bennett," she answered. By her tone she made it sound like I should know her. I shrugged.
"What do you want?" I asked her.
"To duel you. After all, who gets to duel the Queen of Games and the twin sister of the amazing Seto Kaiba?" She asked. Oh great, she likes my brother.
"Wow, a Seto Fan girl, I think I'm gonna be sick," I said not caring. She glared at me and I smirked. "You want to duel me to see if you can beat me and win Seto's heart? Please, you'd be better off dating a dog," I said.
"I'll take you on so I can get to Seto and duel him. He'll be amazed that I beat his own sister," she smirked. I smirked again.
"Hun, you don't want to duel me. I was named Queen of Games for a reason, kid," I told her.
"We're like the same age!" She glared.
"I've been through more hell than you because I can see it in your eyes. You're not worth my time," I told her before starting to walk away.
"Why? Afraid I'll kick your ass?" She asked. I stopped and smirked.
"Not really. It's your sanity I'm worried about when I kick yours," I stated.
"Then prove it. Let's see if your really are a Kaiba," she told me. I looked at her with the famous Kaiba smirk.
"Fine. I'll wager my Dark Magician Girl and my locator card. What about you?" I asked her.
"A locator card and my Excalibur Dragon," she told me. I nodded and placed my deck in my slot.
"Alright then. Let's duel!" I told her.
(Aria-4000, Sera-4000)
We started then and I looked at my cards. Dark Magician girl, Feral Imp, Horn of the Unicorn, Mirror Force, and Spellbinding Circle.
"I'll start first. I play Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200 ATK, 800 DEF) in attack mode," she said playing her card. Wow, no traps or magic cards. Odd. I sighed, she's an amateur.
"Then I play Feral Imp in attack mode and place two cards face down (Mirror Force and Spellbinding Circle). Feral Imp, attack Burstinatrix!" I ordered.
(Aria-3600, Sera-4000)
She glared at me before she drew another card. She smirked.
"I play Elemental Hero Clayman in attack mode and attack your Feral Imp!" She said. Her monster attack as I smirked.
"And you activate my trap card, Mirror Force which reflects the attack back at you," I said. Her monster is destroyed.
(Aria-2900, Sera-4000)
"Honestly, kid. I'm not even trying. Ever heard of spells or traps?" I asked her. I saw a nervous look in her eye making me smirk. "Your deck is nothing but monsters, isn't it?" I asked her. She winced. "That's a pretty amateur move, honestly," I sighed irritated. She glared.
"I'll show you amateur!" She growled.
"Whatever, it's my turn now," I said. I drew my cards. Now I had Dark Magician Girl, Polymerization, Summoned Skull, Mystical Elf, and Makiu the Magical Mist. "I play Summoned Skull in attack mode while playing a card face (Makiu) down ending my turn," I said. She drew a card.
"I play Elemental Hero Captain Gold (2100 ATK, 800 DEF) in attack mode while Elemental Hero Woodsman (1000 ATK, 2000 DEF) is in defense mode. Captain Gold, attack her Feral Imp!" She ordered.
"I then activate Makiu the Magical Mist!" I said activating my trap card. Both of her monsters were wet. "Now I have to lightning rods. Summoned Skull, Lightning Strike!" I ordered. Both of her monsters were taken down.
(Aria-2500, Sera-4000)
She growled.
"Fine, wanna play it that way? We'll play it that way," I heard her mutter. I drew two more cards. I smirked, I now have Dark Magician Girl, Polymerization, Rainbow Dragon, Mystical Elf, and Waboku.
"I play a card face down and end my turn," I said. She was shocked that was all I did. She drew her cards.
"Fine then. I play Elemental Hero Sparkman, Elemental Hero Avian, and Elemental Hero Bubble man in attack mode. Then I'll use my Miracle Fusion to turn them into Elemental Hero Tempest (2800 ATK, 2800 DEF)!" She said as her monster appeared. So, she does have magic cards, but only combine her monsters. "Now, attack her Summoned Skull!" She ordered. I sighed.
"Then I activate my trap Spellbinding Circle," I said. Her monster is now trapped. Her turn is done. I drew another card, another Mirror Force card. Good, that can come in handy. " I play a card face down and end my turn," I said. She growled irritated.
"I then play Excalibur dragon (5000 ATK, 5000 DEF)! I end my turn," She said. I smirked. Good, she's learning. She knows I have trap cards. Two attacks, one win.
"Fine then. I'll win this duel now," I said to her.
"What do you mean?" She asked me. I smirked.
"I have the three cards I need to win and end this right here. I play Rainbow Dragon and Dark Magician Girl in attack mode. I then use Polymerization to make Dark Rainbow Dragon (4500 ATK, 4000 DEF)!" I said as my dragon appeared. I hope you're enjoying the show, Seto. Aria was shocked. "I then play Mystical Elf while equipping her with Book of Spells. She'll chant a spell add 1100 attack to my dragon giving her a total of 5600 attack points!" I told her. She was scared now. "Dark Rainbow Dragon, Ultimate Crystallization attack!" I ordered. Both of her monsters were destroyed...I won. I looked at my Rainbow Dragon who was back to normal. "Thank you, my friend. You always come through for me," I told her. She gave her dragon smile.
"I was happy to help you, Sera," she told me before she vanished. I walked up and held a hand out, she handed me the card looking upset. I sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Look, if you truly want to win your duels then add magic and trap cards. They'll help you strengthen your monsters that I promise. See you around, Aria," I told her. I started walking away.
"Wait!" She called. I turned and she smiled a little. "Thanks for an awesome duel. You really are the Queen of Games," she said. I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.
"Work a little more on your dueling and maybe you'll kick me out of the spot," I told her before I left. I now had another locator card and Excalibur Dragon. Later one I dueled two others winning me two more locator cards as well as Caius the Shadow Monarch and Archfiend of Gilfer. I then went home and went to my room. I heard my phone ringing and I checked the Caller ID, it was Yugi. "Hey, Yugi," I greeted.
"Wrong one," I heard. I smiled.
"Yami, hey and you learned how to use a phone how?" I asked. He chuckled.
"Yugi showed me. How did you do today?" He asked me.
"Good, I won three locator cards as well as an Excalibur Dragon, Archfiend of Gilfer and Caius the Shadow Monarch," I informed.
"I heard those are very strong. Especially that Excalibur Dragon," Yami said.
"It is, I never thought I'd see one. So, since I have four locator cards, how many do you have?" I asked.
"I have got three. Sera, have you run into any Rare Hunters?" He asked me.
"No, thank god. What about you?" I asked him.
"Unfortunately," he answered.
"What?! Are you okay?!" I asked worried.
"Calm down. I am alright," Yami calmed me down.
"Sorry," I told him.
"It's alright. Like you said, it's your job to worry. It also shows how much you care for me," he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Of course I care. You're one of the three most important people in my life," I told him. The first two are my brothers obviously.
"Just as you're one of mine," he told me. I asked him about his duel with the Rare Hunter. It was a man named Arkana. They dueled in a basement and were almost sent to the Shadow Realm. Arkana wanted to go because of the woman he loved. "Do you maybe want to come over?" Yami asked me. I blushed a little and smiled.
"I'd love to. I'll just tell my brothers I'm going to Tea's," I told him.
"Alright, I'll see you soon," he said before we hung up. I grabbed my deck and Duel Disk in case of anything. I then went to Seto's office.
"Hey, I'm going over to Tea's for a while," I told him. He nodded at me. I was about to leave.
"Wait, Sera," he said. I turned and looked over. "I'm sorry that it seems I'm keep secrets from you...I just don't want you to get hurt if anything happens," he told me walking over. I sighed.
"I know you want to keep me safe, Seto. But there will be things in this world not even you can protect me from. As for the secret thing...we've never kept secrets from each other," I said. I then realized that I was. I was keeping my relationship with Yami a secret, but if he found out then he would want me away from Yami. It will be Seth and Seraphina all over again. "I get it though. Sometimes we keep secrets to protect the ones we love. So if I ever keep a secret, it's to keep you safe," I told him. He smiled at me before hugging me.
"I love you, little sister," he told me. I hugged him back. That's when I saw it on his desk...Obelisk the Tormentor! That's an Egyptian God Card!
"I love you too, big brother," I said. We pulled away then.
"Go, have fun with your friend," he told me. I nodded and left. I then made it over to the game shop where I rang the doorbell. I saw Yami run down and open the door with a smile. He let me in before we shared a kiss. I took out the cards.
"These really are amazing. I never thought someone would have these cards," he said. I nodded.
"I know, from what I've heard they are super rare, one of a kind," I said. I then wondered...should I show him the dream I had about Seraphina and Seth. I kept thinking about it as I sat on the bed. He sat next to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me. "Is this about what happened with Marik earlier?"
"'s something else," I said. I sighed and grabbed his hand. "I had a dream a couple nights ago. It involved Seraphina and...the past life of Seto," I told him. He frowned in concern. "He didn't really approve of your's and Seraphina's relationship," I said.
"Can you show me?" He asked me. I nodded.
I watched as she closed her eyes concentrating on the power of her Crystal. I then felt myself being pulled into the vision. I was surprised since I wasn't really there as the Pharaoh, but as a ghost. Seraphina was walking outside in a garden wearing a white dress when she heard footsteps. She turned and saw, Kaiba. He didn't look happy.
"You are courting with the Pharaoh?!" He asked her. Seraphina frowned.
"Yes, I am. Why does it bother you so much?" She asked him.
"He is our cousin, Seraphina. It is just wrong!" Kaiba told her. Seraphina crossed her arms.
"Last I checked there were many people who have married their cousins. Seth, I love the Pharaoh and he loves me. Can you just accept that I am happy?" She asked him. He frowned more.
"No, if it were anyone but the Pharaoh then I would," he told her. Narrowing her eyes she avoided his gaze.
"You are my brother, Seth, but that does not mean you get to rule my life. If I wish to court the Pharaoh and he me, we will," she told him. Seraphina whistled and Lira appeared. "My friend...can we go flying? I need to clear my head," she told her. Her dragon growled lightly before looking at Kaiba. Seraphina shook her head. "No, I...I just need to go," Seraphina told her. Lira nodded and they left. I then saw Seraphina unleash her tears. I opened my eyes to see Sera looking down. I see now, she's scared to tell Kaiba about our relationship. I pulled her too me.
"We don't have to tell him if you don't want to, Sera," I told her. She clutched onto me.
"I-I just don't like keeping secrets from him, but if I do tell him it'll be just like with Seraphina," she whimpered. I ran her fingers through her brown locks and kissed her head.
"You're his sister, of course you don't want to keep secrets from him. The thing is, even if he didn't like it would you still be with me?" I asked. If she said no so she could keep her brother then I would understand. Family is important and Mokuba and Kaiba are her only family.
"Of course I would! I...I love you, Yami," she told me. My eyes widened. She loves me? I smiled pulling us apart. I then kissed her gently.
"I love you too, Sera," I murmured against her lips. She smiled and kissed me again. I laid her down on the bed gently, lips still connected to hers. I felt her fingers go into my hair making me shiver a little. I moved my lips, trailing them down to her neck. It felt familiar and I remembered a little something. I lightly sucked under her ear and she moaned a little.
"Y-Yami..." she breathed. I knew she wasn't ready, so I pulled back and kissed her forehead. I cupped her cheek making her lean into my touch. She then kissed my palm. She cupped my cheek next making me do the same thing to her. She gently pulled me down and kissed me again. She then kissed the tip of my nose making me wrinkle my nose a little. She just giggled which made me smile. I laid down next to her and she snuggled into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. I looked at the alarm clock, it was already ten o'clock.
"It's late. Do you think Kaiba will mind if you say the night at 'Tea's'?" I asked her. She smirked.
"Nope, he knows I need a 'girl's night out' once in a while," she joked. I chuckled and kissed her head. She called him then. "Hey, Seto...I'll be staying at Tea's tonight since it's late...okay...just make sure to get some rest yourself...okay, tell Mokuba I love you too, bye," she hung up her phone then. "And then the brother was tricked by his little sister," she smirked. I chuckled again and hid my face in her vanilla scented hair. " does Yugi feel about all of this?" She asked.
'I'm fine with it! I can live one night in the Puzzle. Just spend time with her, Yami,' Yugi told me. I smiled.
'Thank you, Yugi,' I thought to him. "He's more than fine with it, but you should get some rest. It's been a long day," I told her. She nodded and laid her head on my chest again. She soon fell asleep and I listened to her evened breathing as I played with her hair. How this beautiful and wonderful creature became mine, I'll never know. When I first met her, I was shocked. Just looking to her eyes for the first time I felt that she was important to me. More than Joey, Tea, or Tristen were. In our past we were married, had a daughter...but what else happened to us? I can only hope to find out.

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