Rare Hunter

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I had gotten ready this morning and headed to the square only to find hundreds of duelists. I sighed tired. I didn't get much sleep last night. I was wearing a black turtle neck with a match black skirt, thigh high-leggings, and black boots. I was also wearing a white vest, three buckle straps on each of my biceps, my duel belt, and my Millennium Crystal.
"I've really got my work cut out for me," I told myself running a hand through my brown hair.
"Sera!" I heard someone call out. I then felt arms wrap around my shoulders. I chuckled.
"Hey, Mai," I greeted.
"How did you know it was me?" She asked.
"Well for one, I know your voice anywhere and you don't sound like Tea or my friend Kendra. And two, I saw bleach blond hair," I stated with a chuckle as she let go. "So, you ready for the tournament?" I asked her. She nodded.
"You bet I am. Where's Yugi? You two are usually always together," she raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know really. I just got here myself," I shrugged looking around.
"Well, how about we go look for him together?" She asked me. I smiled at her.
"Sure, thanks, Mai," I said to her. She smiled back.
"No problem, hun," she said. We then left to look around until we made it to the center where a tall clock was. I then saw him.
"There he is," I pointed.
"Hey, Yugi!" Mai and I called out running over. He saw us.
"Hey, Mai. Hey, Sera," Yugi greeted.
"Pretty big turnout for this thing. All losers," Mai said looking around.
"Well, there are many duelist who I've never seen before," Yugi told us. I nodded agreeing with him. Mai squealed.
"Oh! This is so exciting! I wonder whose butt I should kick first in this tournament," Mai said excited.
"Yugi, I thought I'd see you buzzing around," I heard an annoying voice say. We turned to see Weevil and Rex.
"Well, if it isn't Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood. I thought I smelled something awful," I crossed my arms. Mai chuckled at my comment.
"I'll never forget how you played me for a chumpasaurus, Mai. Now, it's payback time," Rex told her.
"And Yugi, next time we duel, you won't be so lucky. My deck invested with swarms of rare and powerful insects," Weevil laughed. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, bug boy," I sighed. It was then Mako walked up and grabbed Weevil in a head lock.
"Those are large words coming from a small guppy. If anyone should be making waves, it'll be me," Mako told him. I smiled. "Hi, Mako," I greeted. He smiled and greeted me back.
"You think you'll win this tournament?!" Weevil screeched.
"Of course, there's nothing that can withstand my mighty Denizens of the Deep," Mako said.
"You're sardines will be crushed by my Dino Horde," Rex told him.
"Don't be so sure, my brand new Fortress Whale card is much mightier than your Twin Headed King Rex," Mako retorted.
"Well, I have a monster far superior to my Great Moth, but don't think I'll tell you what it is," Weevil spoke up. Mako grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and shook him.
"Well, maybe I can just shake it out of you, Weevil!" He said. Mai sighed.
"Some duelists just never change," she mused. I nodded.
"You're telling me, girl," I agreed.
"If I'm not mistaken, Weevil, you were the first duelist sent packing from Duelist Kingdom," Mako pointed out. I wrapped an arm around Yugi's shoulders.
"Curtesy of one of my best buds," I whispered making him chuckle.
"Yeah, I hope you remember to bring your oars this time," Rex teased. They continued arguing and I looked around. I had a bad feeling that I we were being watched. I couldn't see anyone out of the ordinary though. The nearest café had a guy with white hair and a black cape, he was looking at his laptop. I couldn't have sworn he met my eyes, but it was only a glimpse. I just continued to look at him as he worked. I sighed before turning to watch the three arguing duelists. "We'll settle this feud later when the tournament begins!"
"Fine, I will be waiting," Mako agreed. All three then split up and left.
"Well, it's about time they left," I mumbled.
"Yugi, Sera, I think I'll head off. Remember, the next time the three of us meet, we're rivals," Mai told us.
"Right," Yugi nodded. I smiled at her.
"Look forward to it. Good luck with the tournament, Mai," I told her.
"Same to you both as well," she then left. Yugi and I then went to a rooftop of the nearest building.
"Kaiba should be announcing the start of the tournament any second now and I can't find Joey. And I looked everywhere," Yugi said worried.
"Don't worry, Yugi. He'll come around," I told him.
"I just hope he shows up before this starts," he said to me. I nodded.
"Greetings duelists. Welcome to Battle City," I heard my brother announce. We saw a shadow before looking up to see a screen on an airship, my brother was on screen. Oh...I think his ego got bigger with this. "It's time to put your dueling skills to the test. I hope none of you entered my tournament looking for friendly competition. Battle City's going to be an all-out war. Before my Battle City tournament begins, I thought I'd let you know what you're in for, in case you wanna back out now. Let's begin with my new Duel Disks. Everyone who I decided was good enough to enter received one, with it you can duel anytime, anywhere, and they contain a tracking chip that allows me to watch every move you make," Seto said. I sighed.
"I better be careful then," I said.
"Why is that?" Yugi asked me.
"He doesn't really know about Dark Rainbow Dragon," I said sheepishly. Yugi nodded.
"You don't want him to know in case of anything?" He asked. I nodded.
"For some reason, Seto is keeping secrets from me. He used to tell me everything...now he's not," looked down sadly. Yugi grabbed my hand.
"He might have a good reason," he told me. I shrugged.
"He said it was to keep me safe. I still had the right to know though. I am his sister after all," I said. He nodded at me.
"Are you going to use your combo?" He asked.
"Of course, I need to help both you and Yami," I told him. He nodded with a small smile.
"Next, let's talk about the most important rule. The loser of each duel is required to fork over their rarest card to the winner. If you don't have the guts to risk losing your precious card, then I suggest you forfeit now. And anyone who's foolish enough can challenge me to a duel, because I'll also be competing in this tournament," Seto said.
"Though so," Yugi and I muttered.
"But don't get your hopes up, because I intend to win and there's one duelist out there I can't wait to defeat," Seto said.
"You're on, Kaiba," I heard Yugi say.
"And speaking of winning, only the nine best duelists will make it to the final round and these finals will be held in a secret location. In order to find the finals, you'll need these locator cards," Seto held up a clear card. "You each received one with your Duel Disk, but don't get too excited because ones not enough. You'll need six of them to make it to the tournament finals. Every time you win a duel, you'll get a locator card from your opponent. When six cards are stacked together, they produce a map of Battle City and produce a global positioning satellite, which will transmit the location to you, but the tournament finals are a long time away and most of you will be eliminated way before that. Alright, everything I've just said and more can be found in the tournament rule book. Just remember, only one player can win and claim the title of number one duelist in the world. Now, get ready duelist, let the tournament begin!" Seto told all of us.
"Well, time to face our destiny," Yugi told me. I nodded and we turned to leave.
"Where are ya, ya creep?" I heard Joey asked. We looked down and saw Joey.
"What's he doing?!" Yugi asked.
"Um...I don't know, but he sure doesn't look to happy does he?" I asked.
"No, he doesn't. Come on, let's get down there," he told me. I nodded and we ran down. Once we got down, I stopped.
"I knew it," I lowly hissed.
"What is it, Sera?" Yugi asked me.
"That guy Joey's talking to...I saw him earlier and I got a bad vibe from him. I think he's the guy that took Joey's Red Eyes," I said to him.
"Come on, let's go help him," Yugi said. We ran off over to Joey. "Joey! What's going on?" Yugi called over.
"What were you yelling about?" I asked him.
"That's one of the goons who swiped my Red Eyes! They call themselves Rare Hunters, which to me translates as cape-wearing-card-taking-freakazoids! And this one owes me a rematch so I can win back my Red Eyes Black Dragon!" Joey said.
"I already told you, you have nothing that is of any use to me, but perhaps one of your friends would be happy to be my next victim. It would be my pleasure to hunt the Duelist Kingdom champion and snare his Dark Magician. So I challenge Yugi Moto to a duel," the man said.
"Look, this is between you and me, got it!" Joey glared.
"Joey, wait. Fine, Rare Hunter. I accept your challenge," Yugi said.
"But, Yug..."
"It's the only way to get back your Red Eyes Black Dragon. I promise you I'll beat him, Joey," Yugi said. His Puzzle glowed before he let Yami take over.
"So, do we have a deal, Rare Hunter? As my first Battle City opponent, if you lose you must return Joey's Red Eyes Black Dragon and if you win this duel, I'll hand over my Dark Magician to you," Yami told him.
"Yugi, there's no way I'm letting you risk your Dark Magician! I can take him. I'll never forgive myself if that ugly bum takes your most valuable card. I'll deal with this, it's my..."
"Thank you, Joey, but I must duel this Rare Hunter," Yami stated.
"I'll have to risk losing my Dark Magician eventually. This is my first Battle City duel and the first step in fulfilling my destiny," Yami told him.
"Let's get on with this hunt already. The soon I can take my prize the better," the hunter said. Cocky bastard.
"I'm ready to duel whenever you are, Rare Hunter," Yami said.
"Yug, wait..." Joey tried again.
"Don't even think of revealing my strategy, Joey Wheeler. If you say a word about how I defeated you, I'll tear your black dragon to shreds," the hunter said taking his cape off. I glared at him, if he even tries I'll be the one to rip him to shreds. "So, I'd give my mouth a rest if I were you and allow me to stop the Duelist Kingdom champion and take his Dark Magician without your commentary," the man said.
"Fine, I'll duel you one on one," Yami said placing his deck in the slot of his Duel Disk. Joey stepped off as I walked up to Yami. I placed a hand on his arm.
"Are you sure about this, Yami?" I asked worried. He gave me a small smile and nodded.
"I must, Sera. He's with the ones who took my Millennium Puzzle while trying to take Crystal. If this is the evil Ishizu talked about, then I must duel him," Yami told me. I looked at him a little worried yet before I nodded.
"Okay, just be careful, Yami. I can tell there's something wrong with this guy," I said. He smiled at me as he grabbed my hand.
"You don't need to worry about me, Sera. I'll be fine," he assured. I smiled and kissed him.
"Alright. Show him what you've got, my Pharaoh," I told him. He smirked and nodded. I then walked over to Joey as Yami activated his Duel Disk, sending holo imagers out.
"Let's duel!" The hunter and Yami called out.
(Rare Hunter-4000, Yugi-4000)
"I'll draw first. Now get ready," Yami said.
"Yug, watch out for..." Joey tried to warn.
"Silence, Wheeler or say goodbye to your Red Eyes," the hunter told him. I glared at the hunter as I placed a hand on Joey's arm.
"It'll be okay, Joey. I know Yugi can win this," I told him.
"To start off, I place two cards face down on the field. Next I summon Beta the Magnet Warrior (1700 ATK, 1600 DEF) in attack mode! Can you handle my newest monster?" Yami asked. The hunter drew a card.
"My first card will be, just what I suspected. Graceful Charity. It allows me to draw cards as long as I discard two. If you only knew what was in my hand waiting, you'd forfeit now and relinquish your Dark Magician," the hunter said.
"Never, I may not know what's in your hand, but my trap card, Light of Intervention reveals all your hidden monsters on the field. There will be no surprise attacks from you," Yami stated.
"Doesn't matter. Stone Statue of the Aztecs (300 ATK, 2000 DEF) in defense mode," the hunter said as his monster appeared. All he's done is draw cards and use defense. He must be waiting for something.
"It's time for your Stone Statue to crumble. Now, by Battle City rules, I sacrifice my weaker Magnet Warrior to summon the all mighty Berfomet and he's able to bring forth Gazelle the King of Mythical beasts. That's not all, now I use Polymerization to fuse them together to create Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast (2100 ATK, 1800 DEF). On my next turn, my all powerful Chimera will erode your Stone Statue into tiny pieces of rubble. Then according to Battle City rules, once you have no monsters on the field I can attack your life points directly," Yami informed. I looked at Joey who still looked worried. Okay, nagging feeling coming.
"Very impressive, but you'll need more than that to scare off the hunter," the hunter told him.
"Listen, Yug, this guys' got a plan to wipe you out! Check out the grin on that ugly kisser of his! This is exactly what the old creep did to me! HE's got something in his hand that's gonna..." Joey tried to warn.
"Silence, Wheeler! One more word out of you and say goodbye to your Red Eyes forever!" The hunter snapped. I glared while clenching both my fists and teeth.
"I end my turn by placing one card face down on the field," Yami said.
"I predict another Graceful Charity. Imagine that, I was correct," the hunter said after drawing three cards and discarding two. There's something going on here, how does he know which card he'll draw next? "Yugi, your Dark Magician is as good as mine. Now I'll strengthen my defenses. To protect me, Gear Golem the Moving Fortress (800 ATK, 2200 DEF). Even your Chimera isn't strong enough to destroy it. What are you going to do now, Yugi? You can't beat me if you can't get by my defenses!"
"You may be protecting your life points with fortresses and stone walls, Rare Hunter, but in order for you to win this duel, you must attack me eventually. So what are you waiting for?" Yami asked. Bad feeling getting worse!
"Oh you'll find out soon enough, Yugi. So go ahead, make your move. The hunter will strike his pray when the time is right," the hunter said.
"Hey, Yug, hold it!" Joey ran up. "Hold it, I can't stand by and watch this! No way! I won't let you lose your Dark Magician for me!" Joey told Yami.
"That's enough, Joey! You must not reveal the Rare Hunter's strategy, I will defeat him. You're my friend, Joey and I'm fighting this duel for you, just as you would do for me," Yami said.
"You're right," Joey agreed.
"Do you remember the time Weevil threw my Exodia cards into the ocean?" Yami asked. I remember that as clear as day. "You risked your like to try and get my cards back. Not because Exodia's the most powerful card in the game, but because I was a friend in need," Yami said. He suddenly went quiet for a moment...we both realized it.
"No way!" I gasped.
"I'm onto you! I know your strategy, Rare Hunter! You're planning to summon Exodia the Forbidden one!" Yami said.
"Alright!" Joey exclaimed glad we found out. Yami gave Joey a thumbs up.
"Thank you, Joey. You allowed me to figure out his strategy without actually telling it to me," Yami said to him. Joey gave him a thumbs up.
"Just because you figured out my strategy doesn't mean you can stop me from succeeding. Everyone knows Exodia's the most powerful creature in Duel Monsters. How will you stop the Unstoppable Exodia?" The hunter asked.
"True, no one has ever defeated Exodia, but in order to win back Joey's Red Eyes Black Dragon I'll be the first," Yami stated.
"Give up, Yugi! The hunt is over!" The hunter yelled. I sure hope you know what you're doing, Yami. Please be careful. I have faith in Yami and Yugi. They always win no matter how hard the battle. If he can beat even Pegasus, then he can win this.

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