Battle City Finals

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As I was asleep I felt some one gently shake my shoulder.
"Sera, time to wake up. We're here, little sister," I heard Seto tell me. I woke up to see the chopper landing in the stadium. I yawned before stretching and rubbing my eyes. Seto opened the door and Mokuba and I jumped out before taking a look around. The place was practically deserted aside from me, my brothers, and some of my brother's men. "Go turn on the lights!" Seto ordered.
"Lights?" Roland asked.
"Illuminate the stadium right now!" he ordered.
"Uh, right. Turn the lights on!" Roland ordered into his radio. The lights then turned on revealing the stadium.
"What's wrong, big brother?" I asked Seto.
"I thought I heard one should enter the stadium without first reporting to me," he answered.
"Not to worry, Mr. Kaiba. We'll locate any and all trespassers," Roland said.
"Someone else is arriving," Seto said. I looked at the entrance and smiled as I saw Yugi and the others.
"Hey look, the first three finalists; Joey, Yugi, and Mai," Mokuba said. I looked at him.
"And what am I? Chopped liver?" I asked. He smiled.
"You are too, sis," he added. I nodded.
"This is it?" I heard Yugi asked.
"This place is still under construction," Duke said.
"We're unfashionably early," Mai added making me chuckle.
"Welcome. Present your locator cards," Roland told them.
"Check it out, we all got six," Joey showed his with Yugi and Mai.
"Then here are your tournament IDs. Congratulations, you three are officially in the Battle City Finals," the second guy told them.
"Well, we already knew that," Mai added her spunk.
"Now security is tight, so make sure you have these cards with you at all times," the man told them.
"Thanks, now where's everyone else?" Joey asked.
"So far it's just the three of you and of course Mr. and Miss Kaiba. We expect the other four finalists shortly," the man replied. Someone else then walked in. "Here comes someone now."
"Guys, I've got a bad feeling about this," Yugi said. I had to agree, I felt it too.
"Hey, Yug, you think it's that evil creep Marik?" Joey asked.
"It could be, he must be one of the nine finalists," Yugi replied. I looked at the guy and gasped...Marik!
"Hey, wait a minute, I know you; you're Namu, right?" Joey asked running up with Tea.
"You saved Bakura's life," Tea added.
"Glad I could help. Where's Bakura now?" Marik asked playing innocent.
"Resting in the hospital," Tea answered.
"Excellent, I'll do anything to help someone in need," Marik said. This isn't right, I know that's Marik so why are Joey and Tea calling him Namu? I glared down at Marik...what the hell is going on? "So, Joey, it looks like we both made it to the Battle City Finals, didn't we? I never thought I'd get this far, but since the day I met you two, I've been winning every duel," Marik said. Yugi walked forward and I left my brothers to follow. I have to keep an eye on Marik.
"Yugi, Sera, meet your new friend Namu. He saved Bakura's life and get this, he's also one the Battle City finalists. Isn't that right, Joey?" Tea asked. Joey looked like he was in deep thought as he answered.
"Uh, yeah sure."
"I've hear about you, Yugi. It's an honor to meet you," Marik said holding a hand towards Yugi who shook it.
"Namu, thanks a lot for helping out Bakura. Any friend of Joey's and Tea's is a buddy of mine," Yugi said.
"Thank you, Yugi," Marik said. He then looked at me. "Sera, Sera Kaiba, right?" He asked. I nodded. "It's an honor to meet you as well, I hope we'll be seeing a lot more of each other," he said holding a hand out. I looked at his hand before looking at him. I glared giving a look saying 'I know who you are, don't mess with me'. I turned and walking away.
"Sera, what's gotten into you?" Tea asked as I walked off.
"The least you could've done was said hello," Tristen told me. I just ignored them and walked back over to Seto who put his arm around my shoulders as if to protect me. He looked at me with a little worry.
"Are you okay, Sera?" He asked me.
"I'll tell you later," I said as I glared over my shoulder at Marik. I then looked at the entrance and saw Bakura walk in.
"What's he doing here?" Joey asked as he and Yugi ran over to him. "You should get back to the hospital!"
"Bakura, you should really be resting," Tea said.
"Yeah, grandpa told me you were in pretty bad condition! They let you out?" Yugi asked.
"I'm fine," Bakura said simply. Now I know there's something wrong with him. I smell Millennium Ring.
"Look, Bakura, I don't know how you found us, but you'd better get back to that hospital," Tristen told him.
"Wait, what are you doing wearing a Duel Disk?" Yugi asked. Bakura held his up.
"How else could I win six locator cards and enter the finals? Just look," Bakura said holding the locator cards up.
"Hey, rewind a sec, when did you join the tournament?" Joey asked.
"Join? How did yo make it all the way to the finals?" Tristen asked.
"This is freaking me out," Joey said.
"Hey look, it's the eighth finalist," Bakura said. We looked over...a Rare Hunter, he wore the same cloak
"This guy looks familiar and that's a mug you don't forget," Joey said. I looked closer and my eyes widened...Marik's step-brother, Odion!
"H's the one who kidnapped me," Mokuba said as Odion stepped up to us.
"State your name right now," Seto demanded.
"I am Marik," he said. I glared.
"I'll kick your brainwashing keister!" Joey growled.
"You are no match for me, fool," Odion told him.
"The reason I'm not tossing you out of here by your cape right now is so I can save my energy to take you down in the finals! Got that, pal?" Joey glared.
"I should disqualify you right now; for capturing my little brother, Mokuba, and for attacking my sister, Sera. But you have something that I want and before the finals are over, your Egyptian God Card will be mine," Seto told him.
"Doesn't look like you don't have any friends around here, tattoo face!" Mokuba yelled. I pulled Mokuba behind me.
"Mokuba, quiet now," I told him. Odion didn't saying anything, just walked off.
"Alright, can I have your attention please? Eight out of nine of you are here, so now it's time to announce that although your locator cards led you here, this is not the sight of the Battle City Finals," Roland announced.
"The actual tournament area should be arriving here any second, folks," The second guy added.
"I'm lost," Joey stated.
"Where are the finals?" Yugi asked. The spotlights went up and pointed to the blimp. "Look, up there! Kaiba's blimp!" Yugi said.
"It's huge!" Mai said.
"Stand back, we'll all be boarding shortly," Roland stated. "Kaiba Craft Three, you're clear for landing."
"Aw man!" Joey exclaimed.
"So, we're dueling in the sky?" Yugi asked.
"You got it! In fact, four thousand feet in the sky to be exact!" Mokuba said.
"You got barf bags on board? Just checking," Joey said making me smile.
"Alright, listen up! It's time to board Kaiba Craft Three for the start of the Battle City Finals!" Mokuba informed.
"We'll depart as soon as the ninth duelist arrives. Climb aboard and watch your step," Roland said. We all started boarding, but there was a problem with Tea, Tristen, Duke, Kendra, and Serenity.
"I can't let you five on board without tournament IDs," the other man said.
"No way!" Tea called.
"Come on!" Tristen shouted.
"Please sir, I've been looking forward to actually seeing my big brother duel for a long time," Serenity said.
"Cut her some slack!" Kendra said. I sighed and walked up.
"Roland, they can come with us," I said.
"But, Miss Kaiba..."
"Now, Roland. Don't make me go into business mode, please," I said to him with a small smile. He sighed.
"Alright. You all may come," Roland said. My friends smiled at me in thanks. Seto sent me a look and I placed and hands on my hips raising an eyebrow. He also sighed.
"Whatever..." he mumbled. "Begin take off immediately," he ordered.
"But, Mr. Kaiba, the final duelist hasn't arrived," Roland said.
"Oh well," Seto replied. The blimp took off then.
"This is awesome! I've never seen the city this high up!" Tea said as we looked out the windows.
"The lights are so beautiful. Thanks for brining me, Joey," Serenity said.
"Just one of the many perks of being related to a champion," Joey replied.
"You call yourself a champion, Wheeler, you're here by a fluke," Seto told him.
"Seto Kaiba!" I scolded.
"Keep walking, Kaiba!" Joey told him.
"Enjoy this while you can. And listen, I wouldn't get your hopes up too high because it's a long way down from up here. Oh, and the last time I checked, monkeys can't fly," Seto said. I rolled my eyes as he stopped by Yugi. "Yugi, I have some words of advice for you too. I'm well aware you haven't played your Egyptian God Card since you won it, but it's time for that to end right here and now. So it had better be in your deck during the finals, because I intend to win it," Seto told him.
"Well actually, it is in my deck," Yugi said. I looked in my locket away from Marik's and Seto's eyes. My Rainbow Dragon was still there, thank god.
"This is my tournament, Yugi, got it? And then, when the Battle City Finals are all over, I'll be the world's greatest duelist and the owner of all three Egyptian God Cards making my deck unbeatable. So it's time to say your goodbyes to Slifer the Sky Dragon and to any hopes you had of winning. Listen to me closely, Duelist Kingdom is far away and as long as you're up here with me, you're playing my game by my rules. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a tournament to run," Seto said before walking away.
"Man, this balloon is full of hot air," Joey said.
"Attention duelists, please report to your assigned rooms which can be accessed with your ID cards," Roland said. I went to my room which was next to Seto's. I placed my Duel Disk down and looked out my window. I started thinking about what has happened and shivered. I heard someone enter my room and I saw the reflection from the window. I jumped and turned.
"Odion..." I glared.
"Sera, it's been a long time," he said.
"Yeah, I guess it has. What are you doing here?" I asked moving back a little. He kept walking towards me as I back up.
"I just came to give you a bit of information," he told me.
"What information?" I glared.
"While Master Marik and I are on this vessel our true identities remain hidden. That means, you don't tell the Pharaoh a thing about who we are. Do I make myself clear?" He asked. I looked at his tattoos making me remember the day he got them. That was the day everything changed for his and Marik's family. He seemed impatient with my not answering. "Maybe you need a little persuasion," he said bringing the Millennium Rod come out. I concentrated on my Crystal making a barrier around me.
"Now, why should I?" I asked. He glared.
"I'll make you live your worst fears," he threatened. "Like maybe seeing your parents die...or reliving how you lost your husband...or even seeing your little lover die in your arms," he threatened. My eyes widened in fear.
"Sera, I-Sera! Get away from her, Marik!" I heard Yami shout. I looked at him as Odion, or should I say Marik, looked over as well.
"I'm leaving, I was just finished here anyway," he said before backing off. He gave me a look that said not to say anything. As soon as he was gone I collapsed and Yami rushed over. He grabbed my before I hit the ground and picked me up before setting me on my bed.
"Sera, what as that about?" Yami asked me worried. I looked at him and remembered the threat...He mentioned Yami dying my arms, but that would either by a hallucination...or it could be real.
"N-nothing," I shook my head.
"Sera, what as Marik doing in your room?" Yami asked with a little more force in his tone. I felt tears build.
"I'm sorry, Yami...I can't...please...I'm sorry," I whimpered. His face softened before pulling me to him.
"It's okay, Sera. Did he hurt you at all?" He asked me softly. I shook my head making him let out a sigh of relief. "Good," he replied rubbing my back. I started to calm down. "I'm so happy you're alright from earlier. I was so worried," he told me hiding his face in my hair. I smiled a little as I listen to his heart beat.
"I'm okay. I just can't wait for this Battle City thing to be over with," I said.
"Neither can I, Sera," he said before kissing my head.
"Attention duelists, the Battle City finals are about to begin. Mr. Kaiba requests the presence of the finalists in the main hall," I heard Roland say over the comm. Yami looked at me with worry.
"Do you think you'll be alright?" He asked. I nodded.
"Just...just please don't leave me alone," I whispered. He kissed my forehead.
"I promise. Come on, we better get going," he said as he helped me to my feet. The two of us then left my room and went to the main hall. God...I hope I'm doing the right thing by not telling him about Marik and Odion.

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