stuff you need to know

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Irene Thompson ~ wavy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and tan skin, tall. 18 years old. Kind and sweet but with that brave and badass attitude. Crush: Jason Nickel

Carolina Wellington~ curly light brown hair and emerald eyes, porcelain skin with freckles on her nose 18 years old shy and sweet but always sticks out for her friends no matter what. Crush: Erik Thompson

Sabrina Tadaris~ long wavy black hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes 18 years old. Badass yet sweet. Always confident and brave. Crush: Nick Miller


Jason Nickel~ very tall dirty blond hair hazel eyes lots of muscle 18 years old. A player and captain of the football team and is in love with Irene but no one knows it and he has a huge ego and is very cocky.

Erik Thompson~ dark brown hair chocolate eyes tan skin lots of muscle. Irene older brother. 19 years old. Nice and brave always protects his friends family. Crush: Caroline Wellington

Nick Miller~ black hair green eyes tan muscled skin. 18 years old. Erik and Jasons friend. Does not live in the Miller house. Neighbors with the Thompsons. Town bad boy. Crush: Sabrina and Irene, mostly Sabrina but still likes Irene a lot.

For the record this story takes place in summer after senior year

Founding family's of Misty River

Miller, Thompson, Nickel, Wellington, Tadaris. (ta-dar-es)

Erik, Jason, Nick, Irene, Caraoline and Sabrina all stick together but still have other friends. Most popular kids in school.

The reason why there is still a Miller family is because Adeline had a older brother, Sebastian Miller who was in Europe for business but when he came back when he heard about Adeline death and stayed in Misty River and met Katrina Charles. Family blood lines in the last chapter.

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