Chapter two

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If you said to me weeks ago I would be living happily, with a dream to follow and friends to share them with.... I would've said I had no dreams or friends. But here I am surrounded by great people and finally have a dream of my own.

I sat next to Luffy as we waited our turn to fight. I watched as Sabo slammed Ace to the ground. We cheered with excitement.

"I'm going to beat you guys!" Luffy grinned as he shouted to us.

Ace huffed and sasses back a you wish while Sabo just laughs.

"My turn." I cracked my fingers as I got into a fighting stance in front of Ace.

I roared a battle cry as I charged to Ace. He doges to the left as I flipped of the tree. 'That was the coolest thing I've ever done'. I thought as I felt the energy pumping through my vains. I giggled as Ace threw a punch, he missed me as I blurred giggling like a maniac. I side stepped as Ace got angrier causing me to laugh harder. My hair stood on end as electricity charged through my body. It ticklers causing me to wiggle. I moved gracefully as I sent multiple kicks and punches at Ace, I was sent flying as I was hit in my cheast. My back cracked as it hit a tree. I fell to the ground, I groaned as I sat up.

Ace looked confident like he just won, oh no you didnt. I charged at him slamming him in the face. he hit the ground hard. Sabo whistled at the impact. I huffed over to Luffy as I sat down next to him.

"Your turn Luffy." Luffy raced into the opening ready to fight the loser of last round.

Ace easily beat Luffy, which made Luffy angry. "I WILL BEAT YOU, I DEMAND A REMATCH!" Ace continued to taunt him, waving his win in his face.

"Don't forget you lost to a girl." I replied to Ace causing him to stop.

"I was going easy on you." I grew red as I walked up to him, I leaned into his ear. "You wanna know something hmmm?" his face turned red " Your blush is really cute." I whispered causing him to shiver. Sabo full blown out laughed. Ace snapped pushing me away and growled storming away.

"He makes it so easy." Luffy laughed as I ruffled his hair." Come on Luffy we need to go so Sabo can give Ace a man talk." I said as Luffy followed, "or help him get some necessities for his time of the month."

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed I smiled down at him. 'Don't worry Luffy, you can always have a place in my heart.'


Luffy reminded me of a little brother you always need to watch else there is trouble,and in the past months and months to come I was there to experience how fast you need to grow up to survive. With Luffy nearly getting killed I had to stick by him even when Ace promises to protect us.  But he can't be every where at once nor can Sabo. We grew to have a tight bond learning Sabo was a noble and Ace's dad was Gol.D.Rodger, I even shared my past of how my dad was a genius scientist who created fake devil fruits (like the one I had) and even islands and beast to roam them. No one was hated it just made us grow closer, nothing could separate us except when Luffy was hungry, when Luffy was hungry if you stood to close you would most likely be eaten alive. But I would never trade them for anything or anyone they are my family.

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